

White Belt
Feb 14, 2009
Reaction score
I know I am posting this thread in the wrong forums, so hopefully someone can move this to the correct directory.

Which topic in the forums do I post under if I want to talk to other students of Kara-ho Kempo?
I know I am posting this thread in the wrong forums, so hopefully someone can move this to the correct directory.

Which topic in the forums do I post under if I want to talk to other students of Kara-ho Kempo?
Welcome to the site, start in the meet and greet and go from there.
I know I am posting this thread in the wrong forums, so hopefully someone can move this to the correct directory.

Which topic in the forums do I post under if I want to talk to other students of Kara-ho Kempo?

First off, welcome to the forum. :)

As for your question...there are a few different sections for Kenpo. For your question, this one would probably be best.
I know I am posting this thread in the wrong forums, so hopefully someone can move this to the correct directory.

Which topic in the forums do I post under if I want to talk to other students of Kara-ho Kempo?
Welcome. I don't think there are many Kara-Ho Kempo students on MartialTalk, you try over at KenpoTalk, one of this site's spinoffs. Though, I don't think there are many there either.

Is Danny Proffitt still in Billings? He and I have competed against each other a number of times in tournaments over the past 12 years.
I looked through the threads and I didn't find much for kara-ho at either site, but I'm not really worried. I plan to diversify after a while and what better way to decide on a secondary art then at MT.

Sensei Dan is still in Billings. He owns a dojo in which he shares with a MMA/Boxing trainer. So I get a little exposure to Muay Thai and Juijitsu when I practice Kara-ho.
There are a handful of Kara-Ho people at kenpo talk... do a search on it...
For all practical purposes you are in the right forum. Welcome to Martialtalk!