Karate Sucks

RRouuselot said:
Somewhere on here there is a whole thread about that article.
Well if you couldn't find it, it's no small wonder I didn't. ;)
Tremble said:
Well if you couldn't find it, it's no small wonder I didn't. ;)
I wasn't looking for it.
That guy's website is pretty famous on martial arts BBs.
What the ?

Anyone care to tell me what that was about?
Reading between the lines.... that was saying that most clubs/orginisations are BAD PEOPLE, and there are only a few good ones out there.... the rest are a bunch of lying, thieving, cheating, self-centered moneymaking bad people!

Surely not!

Still, kind of makes sense..... opinions?
Autocrat said:
What the ?

Anyone care to tell me what that was about?
Reading between the lines.... that was saying that most clubs/orginisations are BAD PEOPLE, and there are only a few good ones out there.... the rest are a bunch of lying, thieving, cheating, self-centered moneymaking bad people!

Surely not!

Still, kind of makes sense..... opinions?
Dunno:idunno:.......His opinion I guess......opinions are like....XXXXXXXX...... everyone has one......
All this does is get into the McDojo ordeal, with all these schools opening up just wanting to make money and probably know about a total of two things about Karate.
saying karate sucks is like saying chinese food tastes bad....
1 it's your own personal choice of what you like to taste and you just dont like chinese food
2 it could be just a bad restauraunt
3 It could be an aquired taste which takes some "training" for you palette to appreciate it
too right it sucks ! for those reasons and its a USELESS form of self defence so what is the point in jumping around in your jim jams when a good solid right hook is going to knock your teeth out baby! its a joke ! lets get it on ! worked well in the ufc ha ha ha splat
i think karate gets a bad rap due to the McDojos. Kids that "say" they have black belts and then get beat up on the streets...hence the reason we all get the rep that we "suck"
People seem to react pretty heavily just to the topic of that article. That's understandable. However, please read the whole article - it has lots of truth in it.

Writer is a karateka with a long experience, he trains (and teaches) in a top notch dojo and he pretty well knows what he's talking about. Most importantly, he still keeps training karate.

Yes, karate does suck. As does pretty much any other organized hobby. Still, there are several sides to it that do not suck and that make it a hobby that you love.

Read the article before judging it. The writer doesn't say that karate would suck more than something else. He just pretty well sums the facts, lists them well and makes an entertaining article - written with a hint of tongue in his cheek.
Hello, Each of you will have different experiences in Karate. Not all Karate is the same. Your Sensi will make all the difference in the world, just like sport coachs, better the coach, the better you will be.

With the thousands of Sensi's and schools, there will be some not so good ones. Except the fact and keep looking, unless you like sucking? "HI YA".

Karate Schools are a business first. Some teach because they believe in there training and love to share it, and some for the "Money". Too bad money is needed to have a space for training, and most Sensi need to eat too?

Will the above article makes us realize there is some truth to it? Sad know?....Aloha