Kalarippayattu clip

David Weatherly

Black Belt
Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Kalarippayattu staff and sword clip:

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I always wonder why the one with the sword is always swinging it when moving forward from there side. Wht does the one with the spear use the distance of the spear for a better tachnical approach to fighting.

Very nice clip though.
I always wonder why the one with the sword is always swinging it when moving forward from there side. Wht does the one with the spear use the distance of the spear for a better tachnical approach to fighting.

Very nice clip though.

purely speculating here, but it could just be a stylized way to work tension out of the wrist while out of range. could also be a means of warding against a possible second attacker from the right side.

Well think of this as a lot like a two person kata where they are both working on different techniques so they are working together.
When I was training the Gurukal mentioned that the swinging of the sword was a distraction technique and also for wrist flexibility. (at least that was his interpretation)

Thanks for the clip david!
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