Kajukenbo politics (Long)

First of all I would like to say as someone who loves to argue with Robert that he was not being disrespectfull. At worst he is overly defensive about some subjects because they consantly reapear, and some new guy might say the wrong thing and get hit with both barrels. These are the Hazards of Internet forums. Nuff said.
I trained with "Kimo" for a few months and couldn't wait to train here in Washing ton state with another Kajukenbo instructor; however, what I found was not what I had. The difference was like night and day. I left after just one lesson.( this was just some guy in his garage so don't try to figure out which school)
I want to add that the Kajukenbo Ohana is a great group. Even though I am a member of the extended family, they have treated me with respect. The fellow extended family members I encounter are also great people. This reflects on the greatness of Sijo Emperado as well as the other leaders and founders. Thank you to the Kajukenbo Ohana and fellow extended family members! I appreciate all the help, support and friendship I have received. -Andrew
There are a few differant Kajukenbo Associations and Organizations, but these are not differant "styles or sub-styles". And all in Kajukenbo recognize Sijo Emperado as the head of ALL Kajukenbo.
Thank you I belive that the above statement answers my question
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Dear Shiatsu:

Nope, not even close. However, I cannot respond in kind; I do not feel qualified (nor is it appropriate) to judge you personally or to pass judgment on the state of your--how shall I put this--martial ethics, because I've never met you. But I will note that some of the replies I got--yours now included--were far more disrespectful and ill-mannered than anything I wrote.

Ahh don't worry about cas- that is- that person. He's got this "head-up-the-butt" syndrome where if something that he doesn't agree is stated, he takes it as a personal attack.

See ya in class Shiatsu!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I am currently working with Kimo for an article coming in the March issue of Kenpo Magazine about History. I have found Kimo to be extreemly knowledgeable about the history of Kenpo and he has never in my experence tried pump himself up.

Let the man's actions stand for themself and just look at his Kenpo. Make your own decisions from there. remember a punch is still a punch.

Thanks for listening
Originally posted by Rick Wade
I am currently working with Kimo for an article coming in the March issue of Kenpo Magazine about History. I have found Kimo to be extreemly knowledgeable about the history of Kenpo and he has never in my experence tried pump himself up.

Let the man's actions stand for themself and just look at his Kenpo. Make your own decisions from there. remember a punch is still a punch.

Thanks for listening
Interestingly enough "Kimo" does call the art he trains Kenpo. At least he did in my presence. It did seem a habbit so I don't think it was only for my benefit. He teaches ground work right along with the acrobatic kicks so its not your average kenpo, but I will say that it is kenpo.
Hi, I´ve read that Sijo Emperado has chosen a council for the Kajukenbo´s future. The senior grandmaster is George Kaanana, and one of the grandmasters is Thomas Mitose. If Thomas Mitose is the head of Kosho Ryu Kenpo, Why Emperado has chosen him?

Originally posted by Sergio Jódar
Hi, I´ve read that Sijo Emperado has chosen a council for the Kajukenbo´s future. The senior grandmaster is George Kaanana, and one of the grandmasters is Thomas Mitose. If Thomas Mitose is the head of Kosho Ryu Kenpo, Why Emperado has chosen him?


Yes, according to the kajukenbocafe, as posted by sigung Ted Sotelo:

By Order of Sijo Adriano D. Emperado, and Grand Master Dechi Emperado. , December 7th 2003. The official Council of Advisors for Kajukenbo are as follows.

Senior Grand Master George Kaanana

Grand Masters_ Emil Bautista
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ted Sotelo
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ted Tabura
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Thomas Mitose
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kalaii Griffin
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Alfred Dela Cruz
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vince Black
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tony Bowles
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rick Kingi
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Joseph Davis
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Angel G. Soldado
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bob Meschmier
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Calvin Shin

He probably chose Thomas Mitose because he was a Kajukenbo guy for many years (under Joe Halbuna, I think) before he trained with his father, but really I don't presume to know what Sijo Emperado has in mind. I don't care if he names Santa Claus. It's his prerogative.
He's the founder, he knows these people, they obviously have the qualities he thinks are important.

Although GM Thomas Mitose claimed his familial right to the leadership of "Kosho Ryu Kenpo" after the death of his father in 1981, he has also been a Kajukenbo practitioner for over 40 years, and holds the rank of 9th degree in Kajukenbo.
Originally posted by John Bishop
Although GM Thomas Mitose claimed his familial right to the leadership of "Kosho Ryu Kenpo" after the death of his father in 1981, he has also been a Kajukenbo practitioner for over 40 years, and holds the rank of 9th degree in Kajukenbo.

i didn't know he holds 9th degree in kajukenbo. Just wonder who promoted him ???

is HE still teaching his family art or kajukenbo now ????

the thing is getting complicated in kenpo community, isn't it ????

i don't know which is which anymore. I'm glad that i no longer practice MA
So you don't study at all anymore? Why not if you don't mind me asking.
Originally posted by Shiatsu
So you don't study at all anymore? Why not if you don't mind me asking.

I entered MA way too late. When i reach to my current age, i realize that it is a good time not to learn MA any more.

it will take me many years to be sufficient or "good" in MA . I'm sure i'm death by then.

what a over 64 years old man wants to do beside collecting my social security check and sit back and enjoy my life. ????

tax and death are the only 2 things i can't escape.

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