Kajukenbo politics (Long)


Black Belt
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
Cape Cod
I don't really want to start this thread, but I think I need to. A friend of mine has been plagued by someone in the kajukenbo community who has an axe to grind with him personally. This person emails schools that host my friend (Professor Kimo Ferreira) and provides them with inaccurate disparaging information to try and convince them to drop their association with him. It has sunk to a new low, as the email now includes the names of prominent Kajukenbo individuals as 'references' that would verify the claims.

Kimo has asked me to post this so that the people mentioned as references can see their names being hijacked and step in to reclaim their names from someone putting words in their mouth to further someones political agenda.

Here's the post as it was rejected from the 'Kajukenbo Cafe'

I received this letter today regarding Professor Feliciano 'Kimo' Ferreira. I contacted Kimo, and am posting the entire contents with his permission. Although it seems in poor taste to air dirty laundry in a public forum, the letter implicates many senior kajukenbo practitioners in slandering him, and I would like to let people stand by or refute their words. Kimo has told me that Dechi has also approved this, and that she has indicated that people who wish to resolve any disputes with him should do so through official association channels, and not by e-mailing this to people who host seminars with Professor Ferreira. I am typing the letter verbatim, all spelling and grammar errors are intentional to replicate the original spellings.

1. Receive black belt from Professor Martin Buell, Universal Kempo in the 1970's.
Ref: Kimo & Grandmaster Edmund Louis & Martin Buell.

2. Trained with Grandmaster Edmund Louis (1980's) for two years and had his own class at Lehua Elementary School. Did not known all Edmund Louis techniques, did not get promoted, and was told to leave (kicked out) because Kimo wanted to do what he wanted to do, and some of his students had bad attitudes. Kimo wanted to return, but GM Louis refused. Ref: Grandmaster Edmund Louis

3. Open a school under Professor Walter Godin in the Honolulu Area. Grandmaster Edmund Louis and his wife attended. Professor Godin presented Kimo with a certificate (unknown rank), signed by GM Louis. Ref: Grandmaster Edmund Louis.

4. Promoted to 5th degree by Professor Godin at Palama Settlement in November 1995. Ref: Kimo

5. Promoted by Joe Silva to 6th degree under Grandmaster Joe Holck's (Co-Founder of Kajukenbo) ,Kodenhkan Yudamshakai Hombu. Joe Silva Demoted Kimo, unknown reason. Grandmaster Holck and his son, Professor Holck does not know Kimo. Ref: Professor Jaime Abregana

6. Promoted to 6th degree by Grandmaster Jamie Basquez in the Kajukenbo Self Defense System in 1996. Certificate was signed by Grandmaster Tony Troche and Master Mike Young. Ref: Mike Young, Tony Troche, and Jamie Abregana.

7. Recognized 7th degree in Kajukenbo by unknown author. Practitioners singed Kimo's certificate, Eric Lee, Ming Lum, Bob Mashmier, Kalani Briffin and Emil Bautista. Ref: Kimo

8. Kimo attended Martial Arts Collective Society on the island of Kauai (1999). Kimo had a certificate written in Japanese and had Tony Troche, Bing Fai Lau, Ming Lum, Jamie Basquez, Mike Young affixed their signatures. It was later learned that the certivicate was allegedly a 10th degree certificate. Ref: Mike Young, Tony Troche and Jamie Abrigana.

9. Purported to be the adopted son of Bing Fai Lau and may have con Professor Lau in obtaining an unknown rank. Ref: Mike Young

10. Claim to have trained with Solomon Kaihewaiu in the Hawaiian art of "Lua"

(next few lines inexplicably blank)

demonstrating techniques at her dojo. The student had a broken nose. Tony questioned the student and he confirmed what had taken placed. Kimo is barred from Sensei Fujitani dojo. Ref: Tony Troche

12. The following are organizations that Kimo was told to leave and/ or is unable to gain membership: A. Hawaii Martial Arts International Society (Professor Jamie Abregana); B. World Head Of Family Sokeship (Grandmaster Frank Sanchez); C. Kilohana (Professor Coelo); D. Goshin Jitsu Chow-Hoon; (Professor James Muro) and American Teachers Association of Martial Arts(Tony Troche & Rick Alemany)

13. Kimo Admitted to Grandmaster Max Togisala that he gave Dechi Emperado money. Now believed to be $2000. This conversation took place at the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas on July 11, 2003. In addition this was told to Tony Troche, Edmund Louis and Jamie Abregana. GM Ted Sotelo told Mike Young that he was promoting Kimo to Professor 8th degree as a favor for Dechi. Kimo was escorted out the Hawaii Martial Arts International Society Tournament at the Sahara Hotel, Las Vegas , on July 13, 2003. Ref: Max Togisala, Jamie Abregana and Gerry Scott.

14. He asked the late John Chun Hoon's wife Pauline to promote him. Ref: Mike Young

15. Kimo said derogatory remarks about the mayor of Honolulu at a dinner, celebrating Chinese's New Year. The governor and his wife were present also. Kimo was banned from participating in any Chinese New Year parade and/or any event. Ref: Mike Young, Tony Troche and Jamie Abregana

16. Kimo does not have enough training time or experience in the Kajukenbo system to be honor to wear a 8th degree, Professor belt. He does not know the requirements for a 1st degree black belt. Ref: Tony Troche, Mike Young, Alfred Dela Cruz, Nelson New, Gerry Scott, Bobby New, Ray Sarabano, Henry Mandac, Sixto Ramos, Clarence Luna Emperado, and Mike Samala, Rick Alemany, Ron Capito and Maurice Hornos.

17. Asked Tony Troche to show him the Naihanchi Katas. Kimo was no busy during his class and Tony showed one of his assistant the katas. Tony did not return to Kimo's dojo.

please keep this thread ALIVE. I would like to know what is happening.

it would be nice to hear what BOTH sides have to say. FAIR and BALANCED specially from high ranking kajukenbo people

it's very interesting indeed.

thank you
This has nothing to do with the subject but Kimo was my instructor in Radcliff Kentucky. I was the annoying Kenpo guy with the accelerated heel kick escape. Please tell him I said hi. I've been meaning to contact him but I haven't yet. Thank you.
Sean Wold
Just a continuation,
I was a purple belt when I met Kimo and I swear the tactics that he taught me have worked for me in more than a few street fights. I learned two Hawaiian words "empay" and "Bolas". What do you call that bad *** uppercut thing I always seem to be able to pull off on unsuspecting Kenpo guys any way?

if you have any updated news about this professor, please let us know.

we hope the truth will prevail.

Originally posted by CoolKempoDude

if you have any updated news about this professor, please let us know.

we hope the truth will prevail.


I do have more information, and of course, I have plenty of opinions, but I was hoping some of the people mentioned would step up and offer their words, and didn't want to come off as a shill.

I've got a bias towards Kimo's side of the story; I've been working with him for a couple of years and he's always been very reasonable. I've seen him teach, I've punched in for him when we hosted his seminar. It was great, and we're hosting him again.

Whatever I might say could be attacked as 'biased', so I thought I'd wait.

Thanks for sticking with the thread.
Matt Barnes
It seems strange to quote myself (although I'm actually quoting the email sent anonymously, of course) but since nobody has spoken up I will start to poke a hole or two in the ridiculous message. I'll start with 3 and 4 and work my way down. #1 is pretty accurate, as far as #2 goes, I know the first part is right (taught for Ed Louis for a couple years) but I don't know much about any details.

Originally posted by Matt
3. Open a school under Professor Walter Godin in the Honolulu Area. Grandmaster Edmund Louis and his wife attended. Professor Godin presented Kimo with a certificate (unknown rank), signed by GM Louis. Ref: Grandmaster Edmund Louis.

I don't know much about Ed Louis; just that he runs Leeward Kempo. Apparently the (anonymous) person who sent it seems to think that Ed Louis is a moron, who would sign a rank certificate to promote someone that he suppposedly kicked out of his organization, without even having the sense to look at the certificate to see what rank it was. Apparently besides an attempt to discredit Kimo, this is an attempt to make Ed Louis look like a fool. I doubt that Ed Louis did something like of this nature. I've seen his website, and he seems more intelligent than that.

Originally posted by Matt
4. Promoted to 5th degree by Professor Godin at Palama Settlement in November 1995. Ref: Kimo

Well, I suppose you could also use the 2002 Summer issue of Fighting Arts Hawaii, No.3, page 14 where the picture at the top right shows (according to the caption) "Kimo Ferreira (kneeling) receives his 5th degree from Professor Godin (right) while chief instructor Kevin Coleman (middle Left) and Joe Sylva (right) look on. Taken at Palama Settlement Gym in November 1995. "

Yep, there's a big mystery.

Politics are not only in Kajukenbo but in all other arts and all aspects of life. Tell me about it, I've been in law enforcement for nearly three decades if anyone wants to talk about politics, lol. Just ask the EPAK people on this forum about the politics after Mr. Parker passed away or even before that! My solution is you can't let it get to you or dwell on it too much-it just burns you out! And no one, I mean no one will ever stop it. it's part of life that went on long before we were born and will go on long after we are gone. Do I like it , of course not, but I accept it as part of the human condition. I was once told you can't get upset over things you have no control over. There is one thing I have learned, though, and I've learned this not so much from the martial arts but as a police officer. To give it attention, gives it life and no matter how much you rebutt it and prove yourself, people go away with that seed planted in the back of their minds, some will believe the stories, other will not and eventually it is told as the truth and a myth is born. Remember, attention gives it life. Let it die instead. Sometimes, discretion is the better part of valour. I don't want to state any opinion other than that because I may be construed also like Matt stated as having bias for I know Professor Ferrierra and Hanshi Craig Seavey, co-head of NCK (whom I made my original Black Belt from) has hosted his seminars along with Shihan John James also of Nick Cerio's Kenpo and my instructor whom I made my last rank from, Grandmaster S. George Pesare is planning to put on seminars with 'Kimo" in 2004. Enough said. Respectfully submitted.
Originally posted by Karazenpo
Remember, attention gives it life. Let it die instead. Sometimes, discretion is the better part of valour. I don't want to state any opinion other than that because I may be construed also like Matt stated as having bias for I know Professor Ferrierra and Hanshi Craig Seavey, co-head of NCK (whom I made my original Black Belt from) has hosted his seminars along with Shihan John James also of Nick Cerio's Kenpo and my instructor whom I made my last rank from, Grandmaster S. George Pesare is planning to put on seminars with 'Kimo" in 2004. Enough said. Respectfully submitted.

Shihan Joe-
Thanks for the thoughts, and I agree in some part. However, this isn't just run of the mill bad mouthing. This is a cowardly, 'anonymous' email sent to the Nick Cerio organization to 'poison the well'. I'm sure it doesn't mean much as Hanshi Seavey is an experienced practitioner, who has hosted Kimo on a couple occasions, has seen him train, and is intelligent enough not to be swayed by an anonymous coward with an obvious axe to grind, but instead will use his own good judgement. I also feel that the email puts the into question the integrity of many seniors in the kajukenbo community who I feel are having mud slung on them just to discredit Kimo.

As an aside, think of it this way. How would you feel if someone emailed false damaging things about your police record (which I know is spotless) to any people with whom you were scheduled to do law enforcement related seminars. That's not just crappy, it's libel.

As Shian Joe said, let a dead dog lie. I joined up Kajukembo because of the lack of politics. I'm not saying that there is none, just less than most other arts. I imagine that it will probably be worse when Sijo passes on, however I will still be studying, and still not caring much about the politics. I enjoy where I train and who I train with. Leave the politics to the politicians. I am in the military if you ever really want to talk politics.:asian:
Well, you see, Matt, that's part of my stand on this issue. People are always making allegations against police officers, some are true but many are false and its easy to figure it out because they usually have a hidden agenda- either they- themselves, a family member or a friend was arrested and now it's pay back time to the cops who did it. I have learned to just get' thick- skinned' over it. Back in the mid 80's I walked into an armed robbery of a drug store with hostages, not to get into detail because it still bothers me, but I shot the suspect, he survived. No lawsuits, no repercussions. He left me no choice at the time and even he admitted it in court. One of the selectmen in my town was my high school classmate. He told me the towns people called with overwelhming support for me, however, a few called to complain, to paraphrase, I should have backed off and let him go! So, go figure! Stuff like this has happened to me along with everyone else in law enforcement and there are many more false allegations I'm privy to that makes that one small potatoes! Take every single icon in the martial arts, I don't care who you pick, what system or how long ago and you'll hear some bullsh-t about them. And Matt, if you want to talk about unsigned complaints to the Chief, Board of Selectman or City Council about cops we could fill several Encyclopedia sets and then some. We had a retired police Lt. in charge of Internal Affairs. Once I was in his officer having coffee and he tosses over a letter, an unsigned complaint against one of my fellow officers. I read it then he took it back, looked at me and said,"here's where I file unsigned complaints" and he promptly threw it in the waste paper basket-you know, the 'circular file', lol. Wise man-I thought.
I can honestly say that I don't know who the original author of this email is, but I know several of the people who are listed in it. There are at least 29 senior members of the Hawaiian martial arts community (Karate, Kung Fu, Kajukenbo, Kenpo, jujitsu, etc.) listed in the letter.
So Matt, have you talked with these people to see if their references are true? Or are you just taking the word of one person?
I'm sure no one here on this forum will be able to speak for all these gentlemen.
Simple solution. If you want to check the accuracy of the statements attributed to these individuals, ask them in person. Most of them are not on the internet, but their mailing addresses or phone numbers would probably be somewhat simple to find.
Originally posted by John Bishop
I can honestly say that I don't know who the original author of this email is, but I know several of the people who are listed in it. There are at least 29 senior members of the Hawaiian martial arts community (Karate, Kung Fu, Kajukenbo, Kenpo, jujitsu, etc.) listed in the letter.
So Matt, have you talked with these people to see if their references are true? Or are you just taking the word of one person?
I'm sure no one here on this forum will be able to speak for all these gentlemen.
Simple solution. If you want to check the accuracy of the statements attributed to these individuals, ask them in person. Most of them are not on the internet, but their mailing addresses or phone numbers would probably be somewhat simple to find.

You raise a valid point. After poking holes in the obviously incorrect items, I do plan on getting first hand word from as many of the folks named as possible. I am in the process of assembling the mailing list. I'll keep the group posted if/when I get any results. Care to email me any contact info to speed things along Sigung Bishop?

Some of the e-mails and such could be found at kajukenbocafe.com. However don't post these types of things there. It is a very friendly board, and this type of thing and rude behavior would not be looked well upon.

what happen to 5-17???

you will tell us another side of 5-17??? we look forward to seeing that.


good luck.
Matt, some of these people can be found on the web. Some may be found on the school listings at www.kajukenbo.org.
Email me a list of the ones you can't find and I'll see what I can do. If you approach these old timers respectfully, they will probably talk to you without a introduction. But keep a open mind, because you might not like what you hear from some of them. But you got to get all the pieces to make sense of the puzzle.
One of the non-Kajukenbo guys I can think of off the top of my head is Sol Kaihewalu. You can contact him thru his website www.olohe.com

please let us know how everything goes after talking to these *reference* people.

we look forward to seeing your posts soon.

it seems to me that you have a mission to complete. It won't be easy BUT you will share with us what you know RIGHT? ;)

good luck.

thank you
Originally posted by CoolKempoDude

what happen to 5-17???

you will tell us another side of 5-17??? we look forward to seeing that.


good luck.

Sorry it's taking so long, but I have a really tight schedule, so I can only post intermittently.

I'll try to crank out a few more answers, but some of these things will require consulting the named parties, and that will take some time. If there are logical errors, I'll hop on those right off though.
5. Promoted by Joe Silva to 6th degree under Grandmaster Joe Holck's (Co-Founder of Kajukenbo) ,Kodenhkan Yudamshakai Hombu. Joe Silva Demoted Kimo, unknown reason. Grandmaster Holck and his son, Professor Holck does not know Kimo. Ref: Professor Jaime Abregana

I can find no record of this anywhere , and Kimo has never mentioned it to me, so I can't offer any information. Wouldn't that be a jujutsu 6th dan? I will try to contact Professor Abregana to see if he can shed some light.

6. Promoted to 6th degree by Grandmaster Jamie Basquez in the Kajukenbo Self Defense System in 1996. Certificate was signed by Grandmaster Tony Troche and Master Mike Young. Ref: Mike Young, Tony Troche, and Jamie Abregana.

According to Kimo, he is completely unaware of this.

7. Recognized 7th degree in Kajukenbo by unknown author. Practitioners singed Kimo's certificate, Eric Lee, Ming Lum, Bob Mashmier, Kalani Briffin and Emil Bautista. Ref: Kimo

I'm going to take a wild guess that 'Kalani Briffin' is a really bad misspelling of Grandmaster Kalaii Griffin's name. I will be getting in touch with him shortly for other reasons, so hopefully he can shed some light on this. Grandmaster Bautista has been kind enough to contact me already, I'm sure he'll help clear this one up.

So, I don't have much to offer on these so far. I'll get back when I have more information.

Originally posted by Matt
Sorry it's taking so long, but I have a really tight schedule, so I can only post intermittently.


8. Kimo attended Martial Arts Collective Society on the island of Kauai (1999). Kimo had a certificate written in Japanese and had Tony Troche, Bing Fai Lau, Ming Lum, Jamie Basquez, Mike Young affixed their signatures. It was later learned that the certivicate was allegedly a 10th degree certificate. Ref: Mike Young, Tony Troche and Jamie Abrigana.

I think of this along the lines of the slap at GM Ed Louis. We are expected to believe that Tony Troche, Bing Fai Lau, Ming Lum, Jamie Basquez, and Mike Young - all senior martial artists - were all suddenly struck with a simultaneous lapse in common sense that they signed a document that they couldn't read? No one asked? The implication that all of these people are like trained monkeys that will sign anything handed to them is beyond insulting. No wonder the loser who wrote this was ashamed to attach his name. (sorry, I get pretty ticked when someone is so eager to sling mud that they don't mind dousing a collection of Senior Martial artists in the process) Tony Troche (I don't know him, but have read his bio at the Hawaiian Martial Arts Society) has been training in Japanese arts for 60+ years and he wouldn't be able to pick out the characters for Ju-dan? Ridiculous. I'll ask Kimo to produce the Certificate, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist.

9. Purported to be the adopted son of Bing Fai Lau and may have con Professor Lau in obtaining an unknown rank. Ref: Mike Young

Kimo spoke very highly of Bing Fai Lau, but I don't remember him ever implying any adopted relationship with him. I asked him point blank today, and he said that Bing Fai Lau never promoted him. He (Bing Fai Lau) did however sign some of the certificates for Kimo's Black Belts - as in those of some of Kimo's students.

10. Claim to have trained with Solomon Kaihewaiu in the Hawaiian art of "Lua"
Sigung Bishop has been kind enough to give me his address, so I'll be getting in touch with him a.s.a.p.
However, Kimo has mentioned learning 'bits and pieces' of lua, and that he has incorporated some of the concepts into some of his techniques. The name Solomon Kaihewaiu does not ring a bell. If I recall correctly, Kimo had said he learned the 'bits of lua' from Walter Godin. I will ask Kimo for a definitive answer.

Okay, a few more, but not really definitive answers.


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