
Hi all I'm looking for an instructional DVD of DVD quality covering Ju-jitsu gradings from white belt up to black belts but all the ones I've found so far are old vhs remastered poorly and don't really show the requirements for grading! Can anyone help?

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Hi Steven there is no one set of Jujutsu grading standard as Jujutsu is a pretty generic word unless it is particular ryuha(school) of Jujutsu. You can ask your sensei for references about your schools grading system.
I am going to assume it is this:
Bushido Ju-Jitsu | The Art of Self-Defence
You can read more about the teacher on this thread

Important new info. on British jiujitsu history and lineage!!
So I am guessing the line falls into Fusen Ryu as Yukio Tani was a student of that style, OP it is doubtful to find dvds to teach you that style.
Not sure only been doing it for 6 weeks now I do know my instructor was a personal student of the late Prof Bill Rankin

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if you're only 6 weeks into training, you are probably better off working directly with your coach. A common mistake in BJJ is guys start looking on the web for extra help and it gets overwhelming.
So I am guessing the line falls into Fusen Ryu as Yukio Tani was a student of that style, OP it is doubtful to find dvds to teach you that style.
There may be a lineage leading back to Fusen Ryu, but the current system the OP is studying is called Lan-Kin-Fa Ju-Jitsu and the founder reportedly brought into it influences from Karate, Judo, Aikido, Tai Chi and possibly more. If any instructional videos exist for the style, they probably would have to come from the Chief Instructor of the school the OP trains at, since he is apparently the current head of the system.
Then this may help others point you in the right direction

Prof. Bill Rankin

Bill Rankin was a student of Yukio Tani

Mmm, now I realise the article was based on reminiscences by someone else but I'm afraid the military history part doesn't add up. 4 commando wasn't a training regiment, there wasn't a regiment called just 'the Border Regiment' and the his name isn't on the nominal roles of any of the 12 Commando Regiments. Sorry but while that means nothing to most and isn't I suppose relevant here I had to point it out in sadness.

You can read more about the teacher on this thread

Important new info. on British jiujitsu history and lineage!!

This however is opening up a whole can of worms because of one name on there. James Shortt, who despite the description really hasn't been there and done that. He is what we call here a 'Walt' who has fabricated a whole web of lies about his military service, he was outed in the national press and has made the squaddies very angry at the same time. Baron Castleshort
The Baron of Castleshort Fake SAS Conman – In Ukraine ? | Alternative

The martial arts stuff I will leave you to sort out for yourselves, it makes my head hurt but certainly give me a shout about the military bits!
The martial arts stuff I will leave you to sort out for yourselves, it makes my head hurt but certainly give me a shout about the military bits!
The membership in the "World Head Of Family Sokeship Council" is a bit of a red flag, but there are plenty of legitimately skilled martial artists out there who for some reason have felt the need to try impressing people with phony military history or inflated mail-order ranks. Mr. Rankin may have been one of them.
Mr. Rankin may have been one of them.

Or indeed his student in a case of reflected 'glory'. The military part of me demands I have to look these things up, there is complete lists of all the nominal rolls from the war time years online and despite having Viking swords, shields and food to sort for the Rainbow Guides to sort I had to look! It was actually the story of him besting the instructor that caught my notice, I've heard that so many times from so many people........
I'm sorry if I've derailed the thread, blame it on military OCD lol. Still it gets away from other disagreements :D
There may be a lineage leading back to Fusen Ryu, but the current system the OP is studying is called Lan-Kin-Fa Ju-Jitsu and the founder reportedly brought into it influences from Karate, Judo, Aikido, Tai Chi and possibly more. If any instructional videos exist for the style, they probably would have to come from the Chief Instructor of the school the OP trains at, since he is apparently the current head of the system.
Ya I saw that lan kin fa nonsense oh well. I think fusen Ryu is a lot cooler.
Welcome to MartialTalk, Steven. :)
The Border Regiment was formed in 1881 till is was amalgamated with the King's Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster) into the King's Own Royal Border Regiment in 1959

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I am on Catterick Garrison and have checked with the Infantry Training Centre's archivist.
There was a Border regiment but for the Second World War they went into the Lancashire Fusiliers, then into the 1st Glider Brigade part of 1st Airborne and went to Sicily. Later most were lost in Operation Market Garden.
Kings Own Border Regiment went into the Duke of Lancaster's Regiment who have not long gone to Cyprus from here in Catterick.
All infantry regiments recruits however train here.
I know of a Bushido Karate Association, a Bushido Judo School and a Bushido School of Martial Arts as well of hearing about a Bushido Warriors School.
I've also heard of a modern system called "Budo Jiu-Jitsu" or some spelling variant, founded by a guy named Al Thomas back some time in the 1960s to 1980s or thereabouts. He had a promotional video sort of introducing his system, featuring a few well known fellows to help endorse it, including Benny Urquidez and Up-Chuck Norris. I have no idea if the system is still practiced or taught anywhere anymore.

Could be this...
Yes there was a regiment called the border regiment

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