Jook Ahm, Juk Ahm


Yellow Belt
Sep 9, 2008
Reaction score
Anyone familiar with this system? I just started TKD and am working with Brad Walker (5th Dan) who is a student of Master Brad Whitlow (8th Dan). My understanding is Master Whitlow developed this. I believe Master Whitlow was a peer with GM McNeely at some point along the way and trained with the same instructor. Anyway, just curious if anyone is familiar with this. I am enjoying it. Here are some of the forms:

SongSong1- White Belt

YomGom1- Green Belt

Hyung Sil 2- Brown Belt

I'm not sure what the other patterns are. Though, there is a JookAhm pattern. Would this be the BB?
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I'm not familiar with the system, but does either Mr. Whitlow or Mr. Walker have an ITF background? In the Youtube videos you provided the link to, the person doing the forms is performing a slight sine wave motion on most of his techniques...
I'm not familiar with the system, but does either Mr. Whitlow or Mr. Walker have an ITF background? In the Youtube videos you provided the link to, the person doing the forms is performing a slight sine wave motion on most of his techniques...

In doing some more research, it looks like this is the guy McNeely and Whitlow started training under in Arkansas.

They were part of the Mid-American Taekwondo Centers
:) Hmm, ATA background, but ATA used to be ITF. I guess it all goes back to the ITF somehow. It's interesting how many new taekwondo forms are being created.

Anyway, good luck with your training!
Yet another so-called Korean style I've never heard of, created by another so-called Grandmaster I've never heard of.
If it came from Arkansas, and thus is a by-product of the ATA, up go the red flags.

From what I understand. And I may be wrong. But Master Brad whitlow, GM Scott McNeely, and Mr. Gary Dyals all trained in Arkansas under Master Bob Harden in ITF taekwon do at or near a Military base in the early 70's. Because of personal stuff I don't know they drifted away from Master Harden who eventually started his own organization. In early 2000's they all began training with Grand Master Parks Jung Tae and became affiliated with the GTF (Global Taekwon Do federation). GM McNeely, and M Whitlow where awarded their 9th and 8th dans respectively by GM Park Jong Tae. After the Grand Masters death of hepatitis, or possibly before, I am not sure McNeely and Whitlow started or joined the USTF as high ranking members.

I do know that, all politics and useless information aside that they are all ITF styled and very skilled martial artists.

I have never been to camp Juk Ahm but it looks really cool, and I know from personal expirience that Master Whitlow is a very skilled teacher.
I'm not sure of the exact timeline, but the gentlemen in quesition did start training with GM Park, Jung Tae after breaking with the ATA. Circa 1990, IIRC. They formed an organization called the United Stated Taekwon-Do Federation. This caused a bit of a stir since GM Chuck Sereff of the ITF had been heading a different USTF since the early 1970s and the "USTF" was protected by copyright. After some time GM McNeely changed the name of his organization to Unite States Taekwon-Do Foundation (I believe).

GM Park tested GM McNeely for VIII dan in 2002. He was promoted to IX dan in 2006 by GM Kong, Yong Il and is (or at least was the last I heard) part of his WTA.


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