JKD and Weight Training

Hey Pete, check out Pavel Tsatsouline's book POWER TO THE PEOPLE. It is available at Amazon.com. In his book, he stresses the importance of developing functional strength without bulking up. In the book he stresses two lifts: the deadlift; and the side press. You can complete the workouts in about 20 minutes.

Remember, your primary activity is your martial arts training so most of your time should be spent on the mat / in the ring rather than in the weight room.

He stresses lifting heavy weight for low reps as opposed lifting lighter weight for high reps. The latter will cause to be be as sore as hell and will bulk you up.

To learn more about Pavel, visit his site @ www.DragonDoor.com

Much success to you and your training my man.
Originally posted by Zujitsuka
Hey Pete, check out Pavel Tsatsouline's book POWER TO THE PEOPLE. It is available at Amazon.com. In his book, he stresses the importance of developing functional strength without bulking up. In the book he stresses two lifts: the deadlift; and the side press. You can complete the workouts in about 20 minutes.

Remember, your primary activity is your martial arts training so most of your time should be spent on the mat / in the ring rather than in the weight room.

He stresses lifting heavy weight for low reps as opposed lifting lighter weight for high reps. The latter will cause to be be as sore as hell and will bulk you up.

To learn more about Pavel, visit his site @ www.DragonDoor.com

Much success to you and your training my man.

Ok... I don't see how focusing on two excercises will help develop a body better suited for martial arts; and you never spend more then 3 hours a week in the gym so I don't see how your second comment is a concern. In my research (extensive) I have NEVER seen anyone say lifting lighter weights for higher reps will add bulk... body builders lift heavy for few reps... Bruce Lee and his son stated they focused on lighter weights with more reps because they didn't want to bulk up, they wanted endurance.

First off, make sure to visit Pavel's site as there is a wealth of info there.

Perhaps I wasn't clear in my last post. What I inteded to say was that lifting LIGHTER weight (e.g. 50% or less of one's maximum) for high reps will tear down muscle and will cause hypertrophy (i.e. bulking). Besides, you'll end up being so stiff and sore you will not be able to be your best on the mat / in the ring.

When you lift heavy weight (75 - 80% of ones max) for low reps you will not tear down muscle so you will not necessarily bulk up.

Pavel suggests the deadlift and the side press because they are total body lifts and not isolation lifts. This is the best way to develop true functional strength. He has a few other others like the floor press (benching without the bench), but he focuses on the deadlift and the side press more.

As for Bruce and Brandon lifting light weights for muscular endurance, well I guess that would work for developing muscular endurance but I'm talking about strength development.

Peace & blessings,
Note from melteye: This statement is incorrect:
I still fail to see how lifting lighter will cause more hypertrophy than lifting heavy. I have discussed the topic with hundreds of professional bodybuilders and they all agree that lifting fewer and heavier is the best way to bulk.

But this is true: :)
The stiffness and soreness is from the buildup of lactic acid; similar to what is felt during hard aerobic activity. This can be greatly lessened by drinking plenty of water, stretching properly before and after working out, and can be further reduced with suppliments such as creatine monohydrate (do your research before taking this).
You can lift lighter weight for more sets and repetitions so it is more aerobic. Eventually, you'll get "the burn" and will not be able to continue. One of Pavel's key concepts is to never train to failure because you'll be too sore the next day to go about your primary activities (i.e. martial arts training).

This is something he borrowed from champion powerlifters - NOT bodybuilders. It is generally accepted that powerlifters have superior functional strength when compared to bodybuilders so we have to make sure that we're asking the right people these questions.

When you ask any of the martial arts fitness gurus out there like Tony Cecchine, Karl Gotch, Matt Furey, Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins, Wayne "Scrapper" Fisher, or Steve Maxwell, they ALL say that if you're going to lift weight, go heavy.

Melteye, please refer to Pavel's site @ www.DragonDoor.com and also visit Coach Staley's site at www.MyoDynamics.com. They have all of the scientific evidence that your heart desires.

Peace & blessings.
In regards to lifting for power or bulk, here is a snip from his Wiggy's website in regards to lifting weights - take notice of the last paragraph
( taken from http://www.conditioningsecrets.com/article2.htm):

-can accomplish a large variety of goals (strength, endurance, increase muscle mass, strength-endurance, explosiveness, etc.)

-number of exercises is virtually limitless

-the same exercise can be worked in different fashions (e.g. – a professional strongman can perform heavy, 4-5 rep curls to help his pulling strength while a bodybuilder can perform moderate, 8-12 rep curls to help build biceps mass)

Wiggy is well respected in the mixed-martial arts community and if what he was saying wasn't true, he would have been exposed a long time ago.
Ok. It seems as if my brain isn't working correctly. I have been doing 8-12 reps for hypertrophy, 4-6 for strength, and 15 or more for endurance.

I had the information in my brain ;) It just seems to come out wrong and then I look like an idiot. I tried editing my older post to add a note about the incorrect information but apparently you can't edit posts older then 60 minutes. I will email the administrator about making the corrections.

Thanks for catching my mistake Zujitsuka.
Dude, it is all good. Besides, you're on the West Coast and you probably haven't had your coffee yet. :)

Peace & blessings,
I actually haven't slept in 48 hours. So that's probably the reason :) See any other mistakes in my information? When I originally started training I did 8-12 reps and I would continue doing setsand increasing weight until I could only do 4 in an attempt to completely exhaust myself as well as stimulate hypertrophy and gain strength as well. This method worked well for me (but shouldn't be done often) but also confused my half working mind into thinking I was doing 4 reps for mass. Then I found false information on the net that made the same mistake (maybe they have insomnia as well :D) this stuck me further into temporary retardation. I just picked up the phone and called my source of information only to find out I was arguing on the wrong side of the table.

I've never made a mistake like this before.


I promise it won't happen again (disciplines brain).
Just spend 1 hour 30 min per day and 3 times per week is more than enough

just remember to rest for around 2 days , so your weight training should be like this mon - wednesday - friday or tuesday - thursday - saturday ( I prefer Mon-Wed-Fri as I can rest more on saturday and sunday so that is more than enough time to rejunvenate ) Try not to train the same muscle 2 times in a row , ur muscle grow during the resting process .

But then if u want to gain 6 pack , isolation abs excercise ain't gonna work , it just give it better endurance , not remove the layer of fat around your abs . You have to do compound exercise , which mean excercising the whole body . So resistance training + cardiovascular training ( i think your martial art training should be giving you enough , so if you are not doing any resistance training or martial on any other day , try jogging around the track field ) + High Protein Deit and Low Fat Diet .
If you are tired , just take a break , no point overtraining , your muscle grow during the resting process and right after you work . Eat properly and Sleep Well and Plan your time table well , then everything goes according to plan .

And beside , 1 hr 30 min per day and 3 days per week is more than enough , everytime you do a set , go get a drink from the watercooler .

Weight training are good because not only you gain muscle , strength and endurance , you also burn fats .
I train JKD 2 times a week in a formal setting for an hour each session. I also Train Kali twice a week in a formal setting for about 1.5-2 hours per session. In addition to this I box in a formal setting for 1 hour a week and I roll for an hour once or twice a week. I also lift. I rotate weight training routines every couple of months or so. I am currently following the Westside for Skinny Bastards program (I'm not a skinny bastard but hey it still works for me) outlined at Joe Defranco's website. I tweaked the program and substitued some kettlebell exercises and some sandbag exercises instead of using the same supplementary exercises listed on the site. I also added neck training to the routine. I have been following this program for 2 months now without overtraining. I did feel overtrained once but that was due to including roadwork in the mornings 3 times a week...I cut that back to twice a week 3 days apart and that did the trick. http://www.defrancostraining.com/articles/archive/articles_westside.htm

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