J-Lo's "Enough"


Master Black Belt
Feb 22, 2002
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
Anyone have any recommendations before I see this flick. My wife has been bugging me to take her. I realize from a Martial Artist's point of view most can probably spot that she is not that great at Krav Maga (watch the trailers) but does she at least do a convincing job for the general public? There is a local TKD school "teaching" KM and its a joke. Basically TaeBo, with elbows and knees, but you get to hit a pad. I have seen videos of actual practitioners and it seems like an effective combat art, but in their marketing efforts the teaching is getting very diluted.

So, here is my pre-movie (without seeing it) review. Don't go for the Martial Arts, its not a MA movie. Go to be entertained, or beacause your wife wants to see it, or to see J-Lo's booty.
J-lo might have quite a knee strike with that rear end as backup mass
Originally posted by Richard S.

thats good, EVIL....BUTT GOOD.......

Boo....Hissss *throws tomato*

ONly because you beat me to the pun:p
The current Black Belt mag. has an article on her Krav Maga training for the film (3 months).

I suspect that going for the martial arts in this film would indeed be a bad idea. How about The Bourne Identity? From the trailer, the fight scenes in it look interesting.

Just saw the trailer of "The Bourne Identity". Looks like an interesting movie, I like the suspense, spy type genre. I suspect Damon would do a decent job in the actions scenes (that aren't the stunt double), much in the same way Reeves did in Matrix. I like the stunts with the mini cooper! But if I go see this it would be for other reasons than the fight scenes. Damon is no Bruce Lee, Jit Lee, Chan or Snipes thats for sure.
I watched the HBO "Making of Charlie's Angels" and they said a Hong Kong team came in to train the three female leads for 8 hours a day for 2 months. They showed them practicing in wires, Drew Barrymore in a really low horse stance doing punches, and so on. The clips made it look like they trained hard and seriously.
Originally posted by arnisandyz

There is a local TKD school "teaching" KM and its a joke. Basically TaeBo, with elbows and knees, but you get to hit a pad..

I am not associated with Krav Maga. But if this school is advertising KM and have no franchise with them. The Krav Maga attorney's will kick their ***.
I tihnk in genneral movie sars do work their asses off in MA training for movies, (on the matrix DVD they said it was 6months at 8 hours a day) but you gota remember that their ultimate goal is to look good not nessisaraly to be effective. so naturaly someone who knows what their doing can see a lack of skill. Also it's probably harder to do in a movie like enough than in the matrix because the matrix was supposed to be like a comic book and enough was supposed to be reality based.
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu

I am not associated with Krav Maga. But if this school is advertising KM and have no franchise with them. The Krav Maga attorney's will kick their ***.

There is a TKD school across the street from me which has posters and stuff about Krav Maga. I think they have a Krav Maga guy coming in to teach the material as a separate class.

I thought that was a funny coincidence.
There is a common thread. The McDojo's are simply offering another "value meal" and banking on the fact that KM is the next "craze" like TaeBo was. The TKD school I visted had all the promo material, posters, flyers, video tapes, even a "free" starter kit with handwraps and jumprope. But nobody was willing to demo anything for me, instead they showed me a promo tape that had KM in the spotlight of the tonight show with Jay Leno, news clips about it, and clips from "enough". I didn't go in with a challanging attitude, but a very open one. It's not completely the school owners fault however, The International Krav Maga Association (or whatever its called) is to blame for marketing thier style in this manner, and certifying people to teach after going through an instructors seminar series. I still long to meet a real player of KM who can show me what it is really about.
It's a continual practice for big business to use product placement
in movies in Hollywood. Pepsi is well known for it. They pay good
money to have the star in some movie drink a pepsi. Some will
go even further and pay HUGE amounts of money for more
emphasis of product, such as Laverne's famous love for milk and
Pepsi. I wouldn't doubt that this movie was WRITTEN with
product placement (Krav Maga) in mind. Bet a lot of palms got
greased for this one to play out the way it did. And it's looking
like it's paid off. KM is all the rage now! Hopefully, that's a good
I saw this at a second-run theatre--the martial arts training series was rather brief. After one month of training she's ready to go one-on-one with her antagonist. Very unbelievable.
After one month of training she's ready to go one-on-one with her antagonist. Very unbelievable.

but this is j lo were talking about here. she learned how to act in about a month, too.