Iwould like to be able to...


Master Black Belt
Feb 1, 2002
Reaction score
Århus, Denmark

I would like to be able to subsribe to an area, and not just a thread. So I get a mail each time a new thread is made in that area.

For instance I would like to now if a new thread has started in the sword area, or Aikido area.

well on very first page there's a link "View New Post" which will allow u to look for New posts from the last time u visited this site... or u can direct use this link to search


if u looking for subscribe to an area then u can look into User CP option(those blue buttons on upper rite side of this page.)

The view new post I use often. But some times a couple of days (or a week ) go by (sorry kaith) without being able to look around.

instead of going into all the areas I want to see. It would be esier for me to have recieved a mail telleing me a thread has started in an area.

I've seen the subscrib in my CP, but don't know how to activate it.
Might be I'm looking into the wrong area....

YOu know what! I'm getting old... I've found it, sorry for taking the bandwith.

No worries. Just be sure you are getting the notices. I get a few zillion bounces every day from folks whos ISPs reject the emails.

Mostly AOL, Hotmail and Yahoo accounts.
