It's easy to be tough, tough to be smart: Martial artdemos we ought not try at home.

What the ???? I'm sorry, I just don't get some of that crazy *training* Personally, I don't know how anyone could continue with any type of training at all after abusing the body like that..yikes!
Yea it has been posted before it was funny then now it is sad that people do this all the time.
I wonder how this gets explained to them, are they learning how to take falls, or is it getting explained in mystic terms and faith based. Looks far more cult like then martial arts like.
Click around some of those other links...they pour hot liquid on themselves, hit each other with sticks.

Its crazy.


My guess was that they try to *toughen* themselves up to take the impact in certain situations. Kind of like if you punch a sandbag or something it can cause small fractures in your knuckles that you can't really feel, but as the bone repairs itself it becomes stronger and more dense. I think they're going with the same concept...only much stupider. That just plain doesn't do anybody any good.