Senior Master
Cheaper Than Dirt interview with Dave Sevigny...the "good stuff" starts about 1/2 way down.
here's a taste:
here's a taste:
A lot of us out here dont have access to the amount of ammunition you do. I know youve said you ran through over 50,000 rounds of ammunition last year. What advice do you have for new competitors who cant afford that amount of ammunition and range time? What type of practice can we do so that we when we do go out and live fire were up on our game?
The number one priority for everybody is to just being able to hit what youre aiming at. If youre limited as to how much ammunition youre actually burning on the range I would just shoot drills that challenge yourself.
Some of the drills I used to do were to just shoot a very small target, like maybe a 2″x4″ rectangle at 7 yards, or even just try to keep your shots in the middle of a 8.5″x11″ sheet of paper. You dont even have to use bulls-eyes. I didnt use bulls-eyes ever on my way up. I would just shoot at blank pieces of paper. Just practice trigger control and learning what to see. I hope Im being clear enough.
I think were getting a good picture here. Do you think dry fire has a place
Yeah, I was going to get to that. I did that extensively. You know, when youre home you want to be handling the pistol as much as you can. You know, when people talk about dry fire they usually think about just pulling the trigger. It wasnt just that. Its also drawing the pistol, presenting the pistol from a ready position, performing dry reloads, and also movement drills with a dry pistol as well. Just to see how stable you can keep your shooting platform and sights when youre moving.