International Budo University.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Terre Haute, IN
There is a degree-granting International Budo University (sometimes translated International Martial Arts University) in Chiba, Japan.

There is discussion of an event held at it here.

Another diploma-granting martial arts program is located in Australia (take the Courses link).

Black belt level (or equivalent) from a recognised martial arts tradition.
Back in 1980 a group tried to start a 4 year school in Anaheim, where part of your degree program was completion of one of their martial arts program. The school failed (don't know if it was ever certified) but I thought it was a great idea. Trouble was within ten miles you had Fullerton college(with the best athletic trainner in the nation 4 years running), Cal. State fullerton, Ceritos college, Champman Colledge. I may have forgot one but you see what the School was up against.
I degree program in the arts sounds great but would the instructors(professors?) have to pass and certify so many in order to keep their jobs?
Originally posted by arnisador

There is a degree-granting International Budo University (sometimes translated International Martial Arts University) in Chiba, Japan.

I have been to this University every year for it's Budo Seminar. A great "piss up" every year.
The University teaches all the new versions of MA (sports stuff) but sadley only host short demos for the "old stuff".
Basically it is a sports science college.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan

Basically it is a sports science college.

Well, at least it's a legitimate school then--when I hear of a martial arts degree granting program I'm generally inclined to think "scam' at first.
No it's a legit University that teaches Sports Science..........their Budo is actually a bit lacking really.
I know that the Idrætshøgskole in Oslo, Norway use to have a MA degree. It's not an university, but a highschool.
I've tried looking for a link, but couldn't find it.

I thought of taking the classes, but when I came around to it, I didn't have the degrees to get in.

Originally posted by Yari

I know that the Idrætshøgskole in Oslo, Norway use to have a MA degree. It's not an university, but a highschool.
I've tried looking for a link, but couldn't find it.

I thought of taking the classes, but when I came around to it, I didn't have the degrees to get in.

This is surely an aside, but could you explain a bit about the school system there? Here you don't get a high school degree, only a diploma, and anyone gets in. Colleges give degrees. What would the martial arts degree have been equivalent to--a bachelors? An Italian laurea? A junior college degree?
Originally posted by arnisador

This is surely an aside, but could you explain a bit about the school system there? Here you don't get a high school degree, only a diploma, and anyone gets in. Colleges give degrees. What would the martial arts degree have been equivalent to--a bachelors? An Italian laurea? A junior college degree?

It's hard to say which degree it would be equvialnat to an american school . I looked up in my dicionary before I wrote High school, but it stated that it either was a highschool or College. I choose to write highschool.

This school educates teacher/coaches from your noraml everyday gym. teacher to teachers on high level (prof. sport athlets). When you come out you are allowed to teach/coach. You receive a diploma (i might be wrong on this).

In the MA comuniity it cann't be used directly, but I think it's great because you make sure that the teacher learns about the body and pshycologi. The other part of it is that it makes it easier for politicians to give funds and things to the MA'ist, because they now know he's been through a system and tested to a "defined" standard. To my understanding the curriculum wasn't so much MA, as it's everthing else.

And not everbody can get in. When I applied I had to have 12 years of "normal" school( were 9 was mantadory), before I could apply, and to get in I needed a certain level on my grades. I know now that they have changed the school system a bit in Norway, so I think they go 13 years ( where 10 is mantadory, I think only 70 % sure). You can get extra points for special things, like if you already are an athlet, or have done extra classes in certain areas.

I can not remember the length of this highschool (college).

Hope this gives an idea of it, and answers your questions.

American College of Martial Science confers the BS. MS. and PhD in Martial Arts. The url is
It is a christian martial arts college which holds the respect of the heavy hitter organizations in the community. Based on the campus of the University Of Indiana. It also has a Martial Sports Science branch, American Master's Council, College of Oriental Medicine, and Christian Sokeship Council. the urls are as follows;
Sincerely, In Humility;
If I am not mistaken this is one of the same bogus Universities exposed by Don Cunningham a while back. that I look at the websites they are the ones.

There was a big thread on E-Budo about them.


I even emailed them and asked them how to enroll and grad-jee-ate...............they said just "show us da munny"

Just another Soke-doke dan your money folks...........unless you want to be a bogus Soke that is.

Great heads up Chiduce!

Originally posted by Chiduce

American College of Martial Science confers the BS. MS. and PhD in Martial Arts. The url is

(read dan least they got the BS part right ;) )

Originally posted by Chiduce

It is a christian martial arts college which holds the respect of the heavy hitter organizations in the community.

And who would that be?
I received an e-mail from Grandmaster George Petrotta head of the International Sung Ja Do Association endorsing the ACMS 2 days ago as an non-transfer credit martial arts university. I spoke to Grandmaster Carpenter personally via phone and he told me that sure you could not transfer into Carolina because the institution was not regionally accredited, yet it would a good choice for those seeking further personal martial arts education. I'am a ISA Member. This letter was from Grandmaster Allen Carpenter whom conducted an investigation through the Indiana State Board Of Education. I guess, to each his/her own.
Sincerely, In Humility;
Originally posted by Chiduce

I received an e-mail from Grandmaster George Petrotta head of the International Sung Ja Do Association endorsing the ACMS 2 days ago as an non-transfer credit martial arts university.

I think the term "non-transfer credit" pretty much says it all.
Places that can't transfer credit to an authorized University are not able to do so for a reason...................that reason is they are non-accredited....or in simple English.........BOGUS.

Anyone gullible to fall for scams like this get what they deserve. However, I think most people know exactly what they are getting into because after they pay the money they can start flaunting titles like Ph.D., and Grandmaster. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Chiduce

I spoke to Grandmaster Carpenter personally via phone and he told me that sure you could not transfer into Carolina because the institution was not regionally accredited, yet it would a good choice for those seeking further personal martial arts education. I'am a ISA Member. This letter was from Grandmaster Allen Carpenter whom conducted an investigation through the Indiana State Board Of Education. I guess, to each his/her own.
Sincerely, In Humility;


You are throwing around these Grandmaster's :rolleyes: names, assoc. names and acronyms like they mean something to somebody. They mean absolutely "0" to me, and quite frankly I question the legitimacy of their titles. But I guess in the west were nobody has the right to question another person's martial arts title you can get away with passing yourselves off as Grandmasters :rolleyes:. You cheapen the martial arts evertime one of these Grandmasters :rolleyes: pops up.
Sorry I can't help but laugh every time someone calls themselves that.
What I find most interesting after living in Asia for almost two decades is that the Grandmasters :rolleyes: in the west that study Asian martial arts seem to be more abundant than their Asian counterparts. Have they surpassed their own teachers?.................I think not.
I know folks here that have trained 5 days a week for over 40 years and are 6th or 7th dan..........nowhere near Grandmaster :rolleyes: or even Soke :rolleyes:.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan


You are throwing around these Grandmaster's :rolleyes: names, assoc. names and acronyms like they mean something to somebody. They mean absolutely "0" to me, and quite frankly I question the legitimacy of their titles. But I guess in the west were nobody has the right to question another person's martial arts title you can get away with passing yourselves off as Grandmasters :rolleyes:. You cheapen the martial arts evertime one of these Grandmasters :rolleyes: pops up.
Sorry I can't help but laugh every time someone calls themselves that.
What I find most interesting after living in Asia for almost two decades is that the Grandmasters :rolleyes: in the west that study Asian martial arts seem to be more abundant than their Asian counterparts. Have they surpassed their own teachers?.................I think not.
I know folks here that have trained 5 days a week for over 40 years and are 6th or 7th dan..........nowhere near Grandmaster :rolleyes: or even Soke :rolleyes:.
I guess that you will just have to live in Japan for the rest of your martial art's life then. You would probably die in the west now! Everything is going wrong or even worst, there are americans in the west. Hey, just maybe your esteemed presence here may just change a nation or the allied nation's martial conscious. Frankly though; I doubt it! I forgot,"Rome was not changed in a day".
Sincerely, In Humility;
Originally posted by Chiduce

I guess that you will just have to live in Japan for the rest of your martial art's life then. You would probably die in the west now! Everything is going wrong or even worst, there are americans in the west. Hey, just maybe your esteemed presence here may just change a nation or the allied nation's martial conscious. Frankly though; I doubt it! I forgot,"Rome was not changed in a day".
Sincerely, In Humility;

I'm kinda, sorta, not sure what you might be saying here............can you clarify it a bit?
How dumb can you get Ryushikan. Any person of such esteemed character as yourself would know that the slash separated 2 different things in that case. Well i will let you figure that out. If you fight like you think. You may as well just stay in japan. Oh yeah, in chinese what you are going through mentally is just some form of suki! Also, my url is beside my profile; most normal people can see that.
Sincerely, In Humility;
Originally posted by Chiduce

How dumb can you get Ryushikan.
Sincerely, In Humility;
Pretty dumb I guess.
That's why I went to University ( 2 real ones) for 7 years instead of the normal 4.
Originally posted by Chiduce

Oh yeah, in chinese what you are going through mentally is just some form of suki!
Sincerely, In Humility;

I am sorry I am too dumb to know what your point is here.

I guess it's because I speak both Japanese and Chinese and suki seems to be Japanese rather than Chinese.