Interesting quote from Mike Pick Jr...


Founding Member
Oct 29, 2001
Reaction score
Kennewick, WA
If you ever get a chance to train with Jim, do so, he is absolutely worth it.

An honest, up front guy who is an excellent trainer. What more can you ask for? I like his approach and attitude. He is a guy who trains for real life, and lives what he teaches. The whole time he was training us, he had that little .38 in his back pocket. I couldn't figure out what it was until he pulled it out to show us his carry options.

He is the real deal.


Marcus Buonfiglio

Orange Belt
Jul 24, 2002
Reaction score
The Woodlands Texas
Let's not make this a "so and so is wrong" issue but rather, a "What I would do to make the translation from hand to weapon for me is..." [/B][/QUOTE]

I know Mike Pick Jr. very well. A good man. I also know his father, Mike Pick Sr. I am one of his students. The transition from empty hand to edged weapons is a transition that encompasses principles only. There are no concepts or theories. The principles of mass engagement and outer rim domination are of paramount importance, coupled with a thorough understanding of the neutral bow. To simply put a knife in your hand and do the prescribed Kenpo techniques will eventually get you injured by your own movement. To try and write "What I would do to make the transition between..." would be way to wordy and time consuming. But what I have done is to seek out who I thought, based on my own observations and the words of those I respect,
was the premier Knife student of Ed Parker Senior. Having learned over the last several years a small amount of what the man has to teach I must say that I fully agree with Mike Pick Jr's statement.
An interesting topic to bring up Gou. I will see Mike Pick Jr. on the 13th of Feb for the Pick Sr. knife seminar at Brian Hawkins studio. I'll mention to him the good thread that his statement started.

Continued success
Marcus Buonfiglio
Southwest Regional Director
Universal Kenpo Federation

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