Immigration Minister pulled gay rights from citizenship guide, documents show

perhaps you have a problem with reading comprehension,


Do you see how stupid your post is?

Perhaps you do, or you chose to ignore where I said, AND YOU QUOTED, "I understand BTW that sexual preference is protected"

Do you see how stupid your attack is?

I also had to go back and make my second post clarifying because I am at work, and was interrupted in my posting something actually work related.

Its funny, when someone wants to argue that Same Sex marriage should be legal (which I am for FWIW) when its not, that's ok, but whenever someone brings up the stupid but valid arguments about OTHER sexual preferences (Hey, sorry to burst your bubble, but yea Zoophillia, and Pedophillia etc are other preferences too) its "hey those aren't legal, STFU!"

Do you see how Hypocritical that is?

I understand BTW that sexual preference is protected, but isnt Baa Baa or Moo Moo a preference too?

I agree with ramirez because of what does marrying one person who you love has to do with marrying more than one person. Its still different.
Are folks actually debating about homosexuality as a sexual preference?

By the by, what the Minister did was sickening. He's basically controlling information, inserting his personal view into what people around the world know of my country.

How does anyone justify voting for an MP like this?
Are folks actually debating about homosexuality as a sexual preference?

By the by, what the Minister did was sickening. He's basically controlling information, inserting his personal view into what people around the world know of my country.

How does anyone justify voting for an MP like this?

apparently it is no different than pedophilia.
I agree with ramirez because of what does marrying one person who you love has to do with marrying more than one person. Its still different.

What if you love more than one person, or more than one person loves you? There is plenty of precedent for this...
apparently it is no different than pedophilia.

I'm gonna hijack the thread a second... If you really wanna bring up Pedophillia, along with Jdenvers argument that Gay is genetic not a choice:

Theoretically, if sexual preference (being homosexual) IS hardwired and not a learned behavoir, is it not also possible that Pedophillia, zoophillia, or any other number of sexual preferences could also be? And if it is... then what? if it's hardwired into our nature, is it RIGHT to change that behavior, and if so under what circumstances, and by WHOM? Who do we get to decide one is a "disease" that needs to be cured by genetic manipulation, while another is not, and should be allowed? Now, as I said, I'm all for letting gays be gays, get married, raise kids etc... I don't think there is anything "wrong" with them.

But on the subject of genetics, I have known far too many gays who are clearly gay because of their environment and upbringing to attribute their sexuality to their genetics. Clear psychological pathways that have led them to homosexuality, as well as a number of people (who I have had it argued are not homosexual, just acting ou) who clearly made the choice to be that way because it was the "hip alternative thing to do" or to piss of mommy and daddy... to believe that genetics is the only factor in play. I won't rule them out, I'm sure in cases they do come into play, but to say "thats what it is, anyone who argues otherwise is stupid" might just be, and needs to take a closer look at issue.
I'm gonna hijack the thread a second... If you really wanna bring up Pedophillia, along with Jdenvers argument that Gay is genetic not a choice:

Theoretically, if sexual preference (being homosexual) IS hardwired and not a learned behavoir, is it not also possible that Pedophillia, zoophillia, or any other number of sexual preferences could also be? And if it is... then what? if it's hardwired into our nature, is it RIGHT to change that behavior, and if so under what circumstances, and by WHOM? Who do we get to decide one is a "disease" that needs to be cured by genetic manipulation, while another is not, and should be allowed? Now, as I said, I'm all for letting gays be gays, get married, raise kids etc... I don't think there is anything "wrong" with them.

But on the subject of genetics, I have known far too many gays who are clearly gay because of their environment and upbringing to attribute their sexuality to their genetics. Clear psychological pathways that have led them to homosexuality, as well as a number of people (who I have had it argued are not homosexual, just acting ou) who clearly made the choice to be that way because it was the "hip alternative thing to do" or to piss of mommy and daddy... to believe that genetics is the only factor in play. I won't rule them out, I'm sure in cases they do come into play, but to say "thats what it is, anyone who argues otherwise is stupid" might just be, and needs to take a closer look at issue.

I have already said polygamy between consenting adults I have no problem with....pedophilia isn't between consenting adults, it is exploitation of and preying on children...whether hard wired or not. I find it a bit surreal that you can't see the distinction between that and consenting adults of the same gender having sex.
I have already said polygamy between consenting adults I have no problem with....pedophilia isn't between consenting adults, it is exploitation of and preying on children...whether hard wired or not. I find it a bit surreal that you can't see the distinction between that and consenting adults of the same gender having sex.

Are you busy being a jackhole today or are you like this everyday? Nowhere did I say that Pedophillia was ok, or the same as between consenting adults. Show me where I said that?


No, because I didn't.

What I *said* was that If one sexual preference could be hardwired, then in theory any could... and I questioned *who's* moral guidance would be used to decide what was acceptable and what wasn't, and if we even have a right to change someone's DNA to remove traits we don't agree with.

I take offense at your accusation.
Seems to be just as valid reasoning as not allowing gay marriage because it will lead to polygamy.
I really have nothing against gay marriage. I think everyone has a right to be happy. I have nothing against polygamist or incestual relationships as long as they're based on the consent of all parties involved.

I just love how your tolerance only extends to certain groups. It really goes to show how intolerant the so called tolerant progressives among us are. That's all.
I agree with ramirez because of what does marrying one person who you love has to do with marrying more than one person. Its still different.
A homosexual marriage is an alternative marriage. A polygamous marriage is an alternative marriage. If all the adults are consenting in the polygamous marriage, why shouldn't they be afforded the same rights as anyone else who wants to take part in such a contract.

My point all along is that most of the people who cry out for gay rights are not doing so for humanitarian reasons or for reasons of fairness. they do so to further their own political agenda. If it was about equal rights, they would want all alternative lifestyles (concerning consenting adults) recognised.
I'm gonna hijack the thread a second... If you really wanna bring up Pedophillia, along with Jdenvers argument that Gay is genetic not a choice:

Theoretically, if sexual preference (being homosexual) IS hardwired and not a learned behavoir, is it not also possible that Pedophillia, zoophillia, or any other number of sexual preferences could also be? And if it is... then what? if it's hardwired into our nature, is it RIGHT to change that behavior, and if so under what circumstances, and by WHOM? Who do we get to decide one is a "disease" that needs to be cured by genetic manipulation, while another is not, and should be allowed? Now, as I said, I'm all for letting gays be gays, get married, raise kids etc... I don't think there is anything "wrong" with them.

This is where we differ in POV. Pedophillia cannot be compared to homosexuality. To compare the rape of a child (who doesn't have the faculties to consent or fight back) with a loving adult relationship is wrong.
I have already said polygamy between consenting adults I have no problem with....pedophilia isn't between consenting adults, it is exploitation of and preying on children...whether hard wired or not. I find it a bit surreal that you can't see the distinction between that and consenting adults of the same gender having sex.
Then we agree!!
I really have nothing against gay marriage. I think everyone has a right to be happy. I have nothing against polygamist or incestual relationships as long as they're based on the consent of all parties involved.

I just love how your tolerance only extends to certain groups. It really goes to show how intolerant the so called tolerant progressives among us are. That's all.

Actually if you read on past that quote you'll see I don't have a problem with polygamy, but your original post is irrevalant to the discussion of gay rights in the citizenship handbook because as of now both incest and polygamy is illegal in Canada, so of course they wouldn't be mentioned in a citizenship handbook.
Are folks actually debating about homosexuality as a sexual preference?

By the by, what the Minister did was sickening. He's basically controlling information, inserting his personal view into what people around the world know of my country.

How does anyone justify voting for an MP like this?

Go figure, eh?

What if you love more than one person, or more than one person loves you? There is plenty of precedent for this...

If all the parties consent to it - polygamy - and have no problem with it, then I really dont care. I have a meh attitude. Same if two cousins are adults and loved each other.

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