IMAF Schea site

Datu Tim Hartman

Senior Master
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 26, 2001
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY USA
maybe I just don't see this. They have this on there statement.

7. The IMAF has established international presence worldwide: Canada, Philippines, United Kingdom, Europe, South America, and Africa.

I don't see UK, S. America & Africa listed any where on there site. No seminars or schools listed.

Am I missing something?

As far as Europe goes there is one one school listed in Germany and that is it.
Hi Tim,

UK connection...David Hoffman's has the UK connection...i'm not sure about what schools and such...

Africa...Jamil has a school or schools in Tunisia which is considered part of North Africa

South America...don't know who that may be but I'm sure it's something being worked on...

Hope your doing well...congrats on your work at the Soke Council


UK connection...David Hoffman's has the UK connection...i'm not sure about what schools and such...

Datu David Hoffmann was in the UK is back in the states, but I don´t know if he still has some dojos there in the UK. I don´t really think so, but could be.

Africa...Jamil has a school or schools in Tunisia which is considered part of North Africa

Jamil is connected with Delaney (also according to Delaney´s homepage). He does not have a school there. He went with 10 students from Hamburg to Tunesia for the seminay with the Professor there. They stayed in a hotel and there it was the teaching.,
They once went to a Karate school, but Jamil did not speak the language and there was a "language barrier".

These informations come from an article, written by Jamil and published in german magazines.


Dieter Knüttel
Datu of Modern Arnis
Does Jamil count as an IMAF school? If you look at his links page you will see that he has BOTH IMAFs listed!

My next question why isn't Gaby listed on the site. I thought she was still with the IMAF Schea group?


David Hoffman had planned to set up Modern Arnis Uk, but nothing really happened. When David was starting to arrange the UK organisation, Remy became ill, David returned to the States.

As far as I am aware, there are no certified schools in the UK at all, only people who trained with David and Remy when they were available.

Bill Lowery
There are schools in in the UK for sure.. I have three clubs in UK..
and an associate club in Scotland...
one of the instructors just went to OZ to open a club down under...
I travel to UK to teach....
They do Combat Arnis/Modern Arnis..
the Combat part is without forms...use within military and "street applications"..
of course Modern Arnis involves forms...Espada y Daga, double tools etc...things not necessarily needed within the context of street combat..
Again corrupted by their instructor they use steel much more than they use sticks..and they use Guntings & Sinawali Appplications alot....Sinawali boxing..

I realize this is not directly in keepng with the thread for I am not IMAF...but there are Modern Arnis clubs in UK....

be safe

I guess this is supposed to be about IMAF Inc. to be precise...
Mike Chin is in Victoria BC.
Shishir is in Vancover BC.
Hi Bram,

Thanks for the info. I'll check 'em out.

Gee, I guess this Internet thing could be useful for getting us all together after all...;-)

Yes, Mike Chinn and Datu Inocalla are members of IMAF, inc. and Gaby Rolof as well.
She is. Under Board of directors and Masters of tapi tapi.
Just checked... on the MOTT page shes on the far right in the picture.

She is not listed in the school section, and she does run one.

Gaby, Brian Z., & Chuck Gauss (3 of the MOTTs) have no contact information on the site. I hind this strange.

Not only that but there is also a brief bio of her. She's also listed on the Board of Directors as well.
<<<Gaby, Brian Z., & Chuck Gauss (3 of the MOTTs) have no contact information on the site. I hind this strange.>>

Incorrect. Go to "About IMAF" and click on "Contact IMAF" and you will find e-mail addresses for all of the Masters of Tapi Tapi associated with the IMAF, Inc.
Those are not direct e-mails. Those are addresses for the website. Are they being forwarded automatically or does some one have to forward them manually?

More importantly, Why is her school not listed?
Her school is not listed because she does not have a school proper. She has a workshop group which gets together several times a week at a college facility. I have taught there the couple of times I went to Germany. She has no Dojo, for lack of a better term.

Dan Anderson

PS - Did you know that the song Louie Louie, when recorded by the Kingsmen in the 1960's, was suspected of having salacious content because of the slurring of the words? Tis true.
<<<Those are not direct e-mails. Those are addresses for the website. Are they being forwarded automatically or does some one have to forward them manually?>>>

Yes they are automatically forwarded.