I'm off!

Damian Mavis

Master Black Belt
Mar 21, 2002
Reaction score
Bangkok, Thailand
Welp I leave tomorrow for Thailand for professional training in Muay Thai and if everything goes well I'll fight in the ring while I'm there. I was also hoping to visit and train at other martial arts schools somewere on that side of the ocean but am not having much luck finding any. Hopefully I'll find something while I travel. So far I will definately be in Thailand and Hong Kong.... not sure where else to go.

See you in 2 months!

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Awesome, Be sure to let us know how your doing if possible when there or just wait until afterward.
Very cool...........Enjoy yourself and train hard mate.
just kidding. good luck there, take pics and post them.have fun!!