I'm Mister White Christmas, I'm Mister Snow. I'm Mister Icicle, I'm Mister Ten Below...

He got elected, dude...you can't argue with success.

To me, Snow Miser liked to have fun while Heat Miser was a downer...everyone loves the life of the party, not the town scold!
He got elected, dude...you can't argue with success.

True... but on the other hand, he was also indicted on bribery charges and, alone amongst VPs in our history, was forced to resign as a result of criminal charges. So I guess it's also true that you can't argue with failure... :D

To me, Snow Miser liked to have fun while Heat Miser was a downer...everyone loves the life of the party, not the town scold!

It's that damned pouting thing that Heat Miser does with his jaw, I think... strutting around and frowning at everyone... yes, very unpleasant sort of chap!
That was my favorite Christmas special when I was a kid, and solely for the song those two did! lol Great memories. :asian:

Same here, exactly!!

I bought the boxed set of all those specials a couple years ago for my kids. The SM/HM were my favorites.
Famous last words
Are a hard act to follow
An' too much heat
Is too hard to swallow
Keep on wonderin' why it's gettin' so damn cold
Call me 40 Below
And I'm cold

Oops sorry... that's David Lee Roth...my bad :D

Yep, that one and Rudolph..


Gosh how sad.
I hope you are doing okay? If you need to talk to somebody regarding your weather there let me know.
I trained outside for a bit the other day in about six inches of snow. It was fantastic.

Now that's training
Gosh how sad.
I hope you are doing okay? If you need to talk to somebody regarding your weather there let me know.
I trained outside for a bit the other day in about six inches of snow. It was fantastic.

Yes, some training on slippery ground with bundled clothing is good practice. ;) :D

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