I'm down to 240, lost 28 pounds since Jan 30


2nd Black Belt
Dec 8, 2008
Reaction score
And I did it with out dieting, did it through walking 7.5 hour five times a week pushing carts at Walmart. Maybe I won't have diabetes anymore when I get my weight down to what it should be. Maybe I'll write a book, how to lose weight without dieting and make a little (very little) amount of money at the same time.
And I did it with out dieting, did it through walking 7.5 hour five times a week pushing carts at Walmart. Maybe I won't have diabetes anymore when I get my weight down to what it should be. Maybe I'll write a book, how to lose weight without dieting and make a little (very little) amount of money at the same time.
There are lots of people out there who desire to lose weight. Many of them get started with 100% determination and end up fizzing out by the end of the first week then the rest do pretty good for a month and give up. A few keep going and do start to see results but life happens and they stop and their weight starts coming back. Others work it all off and keep it off.

Fad diets are out there by the hundreds and IMO none of them work unless exercise goes hand in hand with it. Walking is probably the easiest and simplest exercise of all.

I don't think diabetes will go away amigo. Sorry about that. BUT it won't get any worse if you keep up with your regime and follow your doctor's directions.
Congrads, keep up the hard work. Add in very small changes in your diet one step at a time and you might see even more pounds shead. At the end of the day slow in sure keeps it off longer and stronger than quick large changes.
Excellent job!
Thanks for all the encouraging words. While I don't really diet, I do watch my sugar and carbohydrate intake due to my diabetes, and I'm trying to eat less, sometimes successfully, other times...well, I'm trying. Thanks again, I have found the people in this community to almost always be very fine people who care about others a lot, thanks again.
Congrats on the weight loss and choosing a healthier lifestyle :highfive:
GREAT JOB! While you are always a diabetic, once diagnosed, you CAN put all symptoms in remission in some cases. I hope that you get to that point, as that would mean reduced to no meds.

Great step forward...keep up the good work!