I am new here!



Hi, my name is Tom and I train in Tae Kwon Do. I originally began in 1977 under Robert Biggs in St. Louis, Missouri. After about 2.5 years, a girlfriend and college, I put it on the back shelf. Twenty-five years later I began from scratch at it again. I have been training for about 2 years now and currently a 3rd GUP (red belt) in a WTF school. Being 42 now, I have never felt in better shape and have such a desire to learn in my life... I will say, and I am sure this does not apply to all schools, that training has changed significantly since the 1970's. TKD tends to be much more safe-sport orientated. I remember a lot of blood and guts fighting in the 1970's. I did have a wonderful instructor back then that trained and fought with the best at that time. If I only had the attitude and fortitude then that I have now.....Who knows. Again, Hello!
Welcome, TCA! Hope you enjoy Martial Talk. I'm sure you'll find some folks around here who remember those "old TKD" days as well... :)
Hi Tom, nice to have you here. We have alot of 40 somethings in our TKD class at noon and few go at night. Happy posting. TW
Welcome Tom. Lots of great people here. Have fun posting.
Welcome to the forum!! Enjoy your stay!
