Hydroxycut banned!!

Take someone like myself. I do 10 -15 hours of exercise a week (I take MA classes, teach MA classes, jog, sprint, do the elliptical, do pushups, crunches, etc., practice forms, etc.). It is barely affecting my bodyfat. In fact, my ob-gyn told me that at 51 I will gain fat, even with all of the exercise I do.

It has gotten to the point where low-carb diets do not work. My physiology fights almost every type of diet. Diets per se aren't natural.

I tried the unnatural six meals-a-day-thing. First, did you know that six meals a day do not stimulate the metabolism? People just parrot a bunch of nonsense and repeat what they've heard. If you do six meals a day, you better be prepared to count every calorie. Otherwise, that's a recipe for weight gain. I was never satisfied on six meals a day and my blood sugar would crash from the constant spiking. Ummm...eating causes blood sugar to go up and down.

So, now I'm doing the Warrior Diet lifestyle and it's working like a charm. I eat less than 200 calories worth of protein during the day. Then, I eat a balanced meal at night after my last workout (sometimes, I walk the dog for an hour after eating but that's not exactly an intense workout). Funny thing, this is how I ate as a teenager and I was quite slim. I have so much energy now that I'm not eating meals during the day.

If someone has tried dieting and it hasn't worked, I can understand the allure of a magic pill. I can also understand wanting the weight off NOW.
I've read articles by a lot of body-builders who swear that Hydroxycut did... something... for them. I would expect that people who spend that much time focused on their bodies would be attuned to the changes wrought by the things they are taking. That said, it may be that some of these effects can only be noticeable at an advanced level of training.
They usually up your metabolism by about 1%.

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