Huckabee for President


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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I havn't seen this on MT, if it was already posted please forgive me for reposting it.

But Huckabee is gonna be our Next president. Chuck Norris said so.

(Note, I'm not endorsing Huckabee, I'm just posting this Video)

While I am incredibly amused by this ad... Part of me thinks it was clever as hell to do this, but part of me thinks its just stupid and distracting, and playing off of Hollywood sensationalism.
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Okay that is a pretty slick commercial. Will not change my vote or make me like Huckabee more but it sure is slick!
I like Huckabee just fine, and no, Chuck Norris did not influence that.(He only influences me to drive dodge trucks and grow a beard) Mike Huckabee will NOT be our next president for one reason: He is an ordained Southern Baptist minister and the Christian haters will NOT allow that.
Mike Huckabee will NOT be our next president for one reason: He is an ordained Southern Baptist minister and the Christian haters will NOT allow that.
So we're Christian haters if we don't feel comfortable with the fact that Huckabee seems to think the only way to get this country back on track is Christianity? :idunno:
So we're Christian haters if we don't feel comfortable with the fact that Huckabee seems to think the only way to get this country back on track is Christianity? :idunno:
Is that Huckabee's platform? Christianity? If we choose our leaders because they are Christian or Buddhists or "good" people or "bad" people we don't understand leadership.

The american civil war was going badly for the north. Lincoln kept choosing "good" men to lead; Finally, he choose an alcoholic, womanizing, vulgur man known for winning battles (Grant). Then Grant, became president--a position he was not so good at.

Choose people for their fit for the job, their past plans and success/failure at making those plans reality, and their future plans.
So we're Christian haters if we don't feel comfortable with the fact that Huckabee seems to think the only way to get this country back on track is Christianity? :idunno:

Because all members of Set A are also members of Set B does not mean that all members of Set B are members of Set A.
Because all members of Set A are also members of Set B does not mean that all members of Set B are members of Set A.

Huh!? ;) lol.

I was joking about me voting for Huckabee only because of Chuck. I will (most likely) be voting for him because he is a great candidate.

And, I am a firm believer in separation of Church and State as well.

What is nice about Huckabee is that he is honest about his background as a Baptist minister, but he is incredibly objective about protecting individual rights and keeping the Church and State seperate. He is not someone who would let his religious views harm his ability to be in office, nor is he someone who would try to make our government institutions biased towards any particular religion, Christian or otherwise. "Christianity" per say is not a part of his platform.

In fact, he is quoted in saying on meet the press (when asked about whether he would make the US a more Christian nation): "We are a nation of faith. It doesn't necessarily have to be mine."

I happen to think that he will overcome skepticism from those who would fear his Christian background quite well, because he comes across as so honest and objective and unintrusive about it.
Here is what I mean: in this small article, the topic of creationism comes up. I am not a creationist (though I believe in god). Huckabee is. But he is so incredibly objective about it that it is hard not to respect his opinion, or believe that his faith would somehow make him a bad leader, even if you weren't a Christian (or were anti-christian) yourself...

"I believe that the Creation has a creator. I believe there is a God. And I believe God put this whole creative process in motion. How he did it and the time frame in which he did it, I honestly don't know. Nor do I think it's relevant to being president of the United States," Huckabee said.

"I'm going to leave the scientists to debate the intricacies of how it happened and when it happened because I simply don't know. But I believe that rather than all this being just some accident that happened, there was a design, and a designer in the design," he said.
Governor Huckabee has campaigned on being a "Christian Leader". Seems to me, that is in direct contradiction of the Constitution.

If there is, in fact, a war on terror, or terrorism, or radical Islamic extremists, I can think of no single act that would more clearly define our place in time as fighting a 'Religious War', than to elect a "Christian Leader".

Alex, can I have "How to piss off a billion Muslem's for $1,000.00"?
That isn't what I said at all, but: Case in point

Big Don, I do not understand what you are suggesting. Perhaps you can clear up what you mean, and to whom you mean it.

Can you clarify what it is you intend to say when you link to my post? And can you explain how this is not a personal attack on me?
Governor Huckabee has campaigned on being a "Christian Leader". Seems to me, that is in direct contradiction of the Constitution.

Really, which part? I dont seem to recall anyplace in the constitution where it says "Christians Cannot Be President" or "We cannot have a Christian Leader"

Oh, well there is that whole "Fantasy" separation of church and state that doesnt actually exist in the document everyone says it's in. But that doesn't preclude a Christian leader, or a Muslum Leader, or a Jewish Leader... it only says the Congress cannot pass a law saying you have to worship a certain way, or that cannot worship a certain way. And I'm sorry to say they do it every day anyhow, when they tell Mormans they cannot have 8 wives, and that Devil Worshipers cannot sacrifice goats, and so on and so on... so rather than Rally about a fictional belief you hold about what the document says, howsabout you figure out what it actually says and then go rally against the goverment actually violating that Amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Notice that it only Bans CONGRESS from making a LAW regarding an Establishment of religion or Prohibiting exercise of freedom of religion.

NOWHERE... I REPEAT NOWHERE in that Statement does it say anything about Seperation of Church and State. And Nowhere does it say, Mike, that a Christian Cannot run for President on his Christain Values... only that Congress cant make you become one.
I posit that there is a vast difference between a

Leader, who is Christian

and a

Christian Leader.

You may choose to see these things as synonomous. I do not.

And, do you really feel the need to yell about this topic, or are you yelling at me?
I posit that there is a vast difference between a

Leader, who is Christian

and a

Christian Leader.

You may choose to see these things as synonomous. I do not.

And, do you really feel the need to yell about this topic, or are you yelling at me?
I agree, a christian leader is like, say, a pastor, or a martin luther king, or a martin luther -- a person who leads a christian movment. A leader who is christian is like, say, George Washington, Huckabee, etc.

Of course, we may never know how much "public christians" are also christian in private. I always hope that leaders are people of conviction -- usually a "good" conviction (i.e. as opposed to some leader who has the conviction that there is a master race and wants to get rid of the rest).
Governor Huckabee has campaigned on being a "Christian Leader". Seems to me, that is in direct contradiction of the Constitution.

If there is, in fact, a war on terror, or terrorism, or radical Islamic extremists, I can think of no single act that would more clearly define our place in time as fighting a 'Religious War', than to elect a "Christian Leader".

Alex, can I have "How to piss off a billion Muslem's for $1,000.00"?

He is a leader who is Christian, and who doesn't shy away from values that are not only at the root of Christianity, but at the root of many world religions and philosophies.

But that is OK. He is a republican and you don't like republicans so you will use any opportunity to be a critic, it seems... :idunno:
He is a leader who is Christian, and who doesn't shy away from values that are not only at the root of Christianity, but at the root of many world religions and philosophies.

But that is OK. He is a republican and you don't like republicans so you will use any opportunity to be a critic, it seems...

The Governor is campaigning on being a 'Christian Leader', and not just a 'leader who is Christian'. Maybe you don't get to see all the campaign materials we in New Hampshire (and I suppose, Iowa) get to see.


But, you can keep making this about me. And what you think I like or dislike.
Mike Huckabee, as a presidential candidate is dangerous. To those outside our country, nominating or electing the Governor will change the war on terror to a "Crusade".

Mike Huckabee, despite an endorsement from Chuck Norris, is not a very good Republican. In debates, he has pointed to the idea that The American People, and the American Ideal is to not punish children for the sins of their fathers; thus allowing the children of undocumented workers to remain in the country (some of them are citizens after all).

Mike Huckabee, flip-flopped on that noble, and I think very American tradition, this morning on Meet the Press. Mr. Huckabee told Mr. Russertt that he would force the Citizen children of undocumented workers in this country, out of this country --- whoa, expelling citizens. Now it is Mr. Huckabee talking about rounding up United States Citizens

Meet the Press said:
RUSSERT: “Don’t punish those kids.” A week later, you said, “No, no, no, send the parents home,” and what happens to the kids?
HUCKABEE: They go with their parents. I mean, I can’t imagine a parent not taking their children…
RUSSERT: But they’re American citizens. Why do they have to leave the country?
HUCKABEE: Because they’re–first, before they’re American citizens, they’re the children of their parents.
RUSSERT: But aren’t we a “better country,” to quote someone, than that?
HUCKABEE: No, I did not send them home. They will go home within 120-day window, and then they have the process of starting to return.

EDIT --- You know what, let's take a closer look at what Mr. Huckabee said today.

Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee said:
HUCKABEE: Because they’re–first, before they’re American citizens, they’re the children of their parents.

Before they're American Citizens? Before they're American Citizens?

Is anyone among us going to stand up and say, "You know what, before I am an American, I am a _____ " - Fill in the blank, with whatever will you. If this man is so cavalier with Citizenship today of a group; what is there to prevent him from being cavalier with your Citizenship tomorrow?

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