How Many Five Year Olds Could You Take

You forgot the part where you take your money back from their battered little bodies afterward.

Hell, they should be paying for that kind of real-world experience.


I'm thinking that it's a once in a lifetime lesson for them. They'll heal like, well, five year olds. And they'll be ticked at me. I'm over 40.

Besides, it's chump change.

One of the other quizzes on the same site calculates how much your body is worth in cold cash. Even with the bulk discount we're talking serious money here.
27. Too few, since it's well known in the early post-toddler mob violence research community that homicidal 5-year olds run in packs averaging on the order of 36 or so, making Mark B. probably the only one of us who will survive the Preschool Thunderdome Challenge (you know: 37 enter—one walks out). I'm probably making some elementary mistake....
Reminds me of the Monthy Python part where gangs of old women run amok terrorizing the city. Do they have a test for who many 95 year olds you could take too?
Reminds me of the Monthy Python part where gangs of old women run amok terrorizing the city. Do they have a test for who many 95 year olds you could take too?

I think you can just take your score from the "Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse" test.
Reminds me of the Monthy Python part where gangs of old women run amok terrorizing the city. Do they have a test for who many 95 year olds you could take too?
Its pretty much the same test, just with allowances made for support hose and depends.
Combine 'em. How many zombie five year olds could you take? Get a room full of five year olds. Add Barney, Yanni and video games...
Combine 'em. How many zombie five year olds could you take? Get a room full of five year olds. Add Barney, Yanni and video games...
You forgot the Ritalin and Adderal.

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