How Many attend your school

Originally posted by Elfan

Well its more of a "club" than a school. Its me, a kenpo friend, and 1-2 people from high school who want to train.

Your answer makes me think, I'm lucky to have a place, and those few that want to be there. I'm one of those "old fashioned" teachers that won't
chase students.

Like one of my old Instructors told me, "You're either here, or you're not!"

So, I'll count my blessings, for those friends, students, that I have. Thanks!:asian:
I came to apreciate things like having a place to train, people to train with, and a regular time to train. Its amazing what you can take for granted until you don't have it any more. I'd love to have 10-15 people to train with regularly.
Originally posted by Michael Billings

Been there, done that, don't wanta go there or run one that way.

Kirk is lucky in that his instructor, Curtis Abernathy, is a full time Kenpo instructor. He quit a very lucrative profession to open his door on a school with enough space to handle a serious crowd. What is it Kirk, 4000 sq. feet or so?

They train hard, and with several black belts in the school, most of the students get plenty of instruction. He is the guru of tae bo or aero-kickboxing, or whatever, running classes morning, noon, and night, and on weekends (both days), so kid turnover is not what keeps the doors open. He is also located across from the Univerity of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. This probably helps with having some health conscious individuals in the community.


LOL!!! Sad thing was ... I didn't know how lucky I was until I
met you and you told me how most schools aren't that size.
Our school has about 15 core people in the adult class, of those 11 people are above purple belt. I don't really count white/yellow belts as core membership because you can never tell how many are going to stick. Our class size can double when our occaisional students decide to drop by, in summer when the college students come home, that kind of thing. Our kids class is somewhere in the 30+ range right now.

We have an affiliate school about 15 miles away that is about half our size.

None of the instructors make a living doing this, so all we have to do is pay the bills.

My school has had around 45-60 people. 14 of them are adults, rest are kids. Would like to get up to 100 students, but it's hard when working a full time job also. My only advertisment is the phone book and word of mouth.
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
My school has had around 45-60 people. 14 of them are adults, rest are kids. Would like to get up to 100 students, but it's hard when working a full time job also. My only advertisment is the phone book and word of mouth.
That is an issue for me too, it seems that I only hold ground and do not grow too much. I'm upping the advertising.
The question should really ask how many ACTIVE students do you have. Our school has roughly 150 students, of those about 120 are active students. Those are students who come to class at leat once a week.
There is roughly 40 or so people were I train. Mostly kids and about 5 adults (me included). We have 3 kenpo schools here in El Paso. Of course the one on the other side of town is packed with over 150 students, and about 10 or more adults. The 3rd school is barely function and is a training ground for the bigger schools brown and black belts.
34 dedicated students who show up every day.

But I don't own a school, I teach independently for free at the club.