How Many attend your school



The Dojo I belong to has approx 400-600 students. and is located near Detroit.

Originally posted by ZenYuchia
The Dojo I belong to has approx 400-600 students. and is located near Detroit.

Wow. That is a serious amount of students. How does one run a school that big? I belonged to a school once that had 300 to 400 students and it was tough getting instruction there.
Only bout 30 people but we have only been our own class for about 3 weeks. We used to be joined with the TKD class on a differant day and our Hapkido teacher would do TKD with the TKD class while we did Kali with our other teacher in a side room. For our Kali class then we used to get about 12 people. Now we usually get the same amount for Kali while the Hapkido side of our class gets about 20 or 30 each week. No one wants to play with knifes nowdays!
Originally posted by Master of Blades
No one wants to play with knifes nowdays!

I can't blame them. No one can play with just one. I prefer to be playing with knives when I have more than one.
counting all those branches n sub branches across the city then it can go around 700
otherwise the class in which my teacher teaches hav only 7 students...
Hmmm Well,

In our school we have five black belts and two colored belts and three white belts that are currently active.

So, ten members is our number.

AT this time I think the active membrship of my school is down to about 12-15 members. Some of them only show up once a week.
Originally posted by TkdWarrior

counting all those branches n sub branches across the city then it can go around 700
otherwise the class in which my teacher teaches hav only 7 students...

If you want to include all branches and sub-branches probably about 700 as well then.
I am the only active member of The Dog Pound but Jaybacca and Roland often stop by and work out with me.

Can it still be a school if there is only one person?
You guys mention10-15 people? I'd almost kill for that!

No joke, I wish i knew your secret.
Sometimes it is hard to tell at the big schools. I limit my enrollment to 35. I have about 28 students now and run 3 classes Tues / Thurs and 2 on Saturday. I have a 2nd Black who helps out when he can, but the 8 week old baby has slowed his attendance. I am not trying to be a commercial success, but rather to keep the doors open and continue the Art, running my school more as a private club. So far it has worked and I don't have to deal with the constant turnover of kids to make a living. I am glad my school is not full time, in that it keeps me from not to be burned out, as so many of my friends running full time schools. It is not Kenpo that burns them out, but teaching, selling, marketing, managing, etc. I am just not that interested in being a salesman or business man. And in a large commercial school you have to be both. My hat is off to those that can and maintain this with the elan necessary for their own art to flourish.

It's been a dream of mine for a while where I could find a school I could be a part of with a family like atmosphere where I could learn and enjoy.

Hearing all of this makes me hate you all even more...
My school probably has 60 adult students, but a regular show
of 20 on any given day.
My club has 3 people including me :-D

The school I used to go to had about 250.
Originally posted by Kirk

My school probably has 60 adult students, but a regular show
of 20 on any given day.

Thanks for rubbing it in Kirk. Boy, you can't even get support from another Texan, Whew!:mad:
Originally posted by Elfan

My club has 3 people including me :-D

The school I used to go to had about 250.

If you don't me asking, why did you leave, and since this new one is small, how long have you been with this one?

Been there, done that, don't wanta go there or run one that way.

Kirk is lucky in that his instructor, Curtis Abernathy, is a full time Kenpo instructor. He quit a very lucrative profession to open his door on a school with enough space to handle a serious crowd. What is it Kirk, 4000 sq. feet or so?

They train hard, and with several black belts in the school, most of the students get plenty of instruction. He is the guru of tae bo or aero-kickboxing, or whatever, running classes morning, noon, and night, and on weekends (both days), so kid turnover is not what keeps the doors open. He is also located across from the Univerity of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. This probably helps with having some health conscious individuals in the community.

Originally posted by RCastillo

If since this new one is small, how long have you been with this one?


Well its more of a "club" than a school. Its me, a kenpo friend, and 1-2 people from high school who want to train.