How long until theyre too tired

How long till they hit the wall?

  • 1 minute +

  • 20-30sec

  • 30-40sec

  • 40-50sec

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Street fights last not even a minute, that because they go all out. Ive seen people getting messed up, then the tables are turned around and the other guy gets knocked out. The problem with street fighting is it uses much more energy than technique and most of the fighters dont have endurance. On average, people who street fight get tired at 30-45 seconds.
It depends... I've seen very conditioned people who can get through a 6 wrestling matches a day, or rounds of boxing, or rounds of full-contact sparring (depending on the style) who get tired after fifteen seconds due to the endocrine system and your mind at that moment.
That depends on what you consider to be "fighting." Usually what I've seen (from a distance) is one of the two guys going down in 20-30 seconds or so and the other guy continuing to beat him on the ground for another 10-20 seconds.

I think most street fights end quickly because once they get hurt, the people involved realize what it is they've gotten themselves into, and they get scared.
My experience has been that untrained people usually fizzle out pretty quick. They throw everything they've got within the first few seconds and after that, they're out of gas.
In the majority of street fights I've seen, the first person to get hit runs away threatening revenge.

It's certainly true though that with a bit of beer in you, you tend to use all of your energy in one go. Lots of fights start with both parties tanked up, so tiredness soon becomes an issue. Still, most drunks should get tired at roughly the same rate.

I'll keep an eye on the next pair of battling boozers, and see how long it is before they're flagging.
Its not untrained people who freak out, its un experienced.

And I personally have never witness someone in shape ever get tired so fast. Sparring in wrestling, boxing, karate, muay thai, watever takes alot of effort. If those guys can go 100% for 3 rounds, I dont see why they hit the wall in a minute or less.
Originally posted by soccer50
Its not untrained people who freak out, its un experienced.

And I personally have never witness someone in shape ever get tired so fast. Sparring in wrestling, boxing, karate, muay thai, watever takes alot of effort. If those guys can go 100% for 3 rounds, I dont see why they hit the wall in a minute or less.
Have you ever woke up before a big match/meet/tournament feeling a bit nervous and or tired? And I don't mean just a personal, small thing, but a big one where an entire crowd of hundreds watch you. I'm sure all that adrenaline will help speed things up, and if you're too anxious right before a match, it can affect you later on.

Ever had to do a speech in front of thousands of people, especially those of higher rank than you (military). I did, and I was sweating all before it and it took me forever in a relative sense to get up on to the podium.

Fighting is like the same way. Some fights happen just like that, but in a fight, you want to be as aggressive as you can without going crazy. Bruce Lee was in pretty good shape when he fought the guy from Chinatown, but he felt winded afterwards. Sure it was the mark of him starting to train extensively to improve his stamina, but it wasn't like he wasn't in good cardiovascular shape already (better than most of us).
Originally posted by soccer50
Street fights last not even a minute, that because they go all out. Ive seen people getting messed up, then the tables are turned around and the other guy gets knocked out. The problem with street fighting is it uses much more energy than technique and most of the fighters dont have endurance. On average, people who street fight get tired at 30-45 seconds.

Most fights or scituations I have been involved in and witnessed dont even last one minute. :asian:
