How long for USAT


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I have been reading about USAT and listening to alot of people about how long they have. I am also wondering why the want to compamise anything now? I know they have no money and spent more on help than our athletes and certain people made a ton of money at our athletes expense. Does anybody really know what and how much longer before steps are going to be done until we have a real NGB for the athletes and not the friends of friends of friends?
The atu is trying to gain support for a takeover if the usoc suspends or does away with the usat. Problem is they are a korean run org and it would end up worse than the ustu.
Which recent threads or comments have you read that say USAT is soon to be gone and in general most of the talk from the old school thought is that we want to return to the old days of the USTU? granted any organization will have its tendancy to reward insiders and build power but I don't find a Korean based group a negative if anything they are good business men and given the status of things the last 10 years would want to reconcile and build membership that both fosters education and training for athletes but would also serve and encourage the 99% out there training and could have pride in a national org that rerpresents all.???
Hummmmm, I wonder if this is a racist comment?
USAT seems to be like the guy they tossed on the cart of dead bodies on Monty Python and the Holy Grail who wasn't dead yet, wait Im not dead yet I think I am getting much better really look we have new managment?

Still like to hear what the latetes is ?
USAT seems to be like the guy they tossed on the cart of dead bodies on Monty Python and the Holy Grail who wasn't dead yet, wait Im not dead yet I think I am getting much better really look we have new managment?

Still like to hear what the latetes is ?
It is not the latest, but the MAC Daddies supposedly have already hiked to the USOC offering to win lots of Olympic Gold if the NGB is given to them. Considering the difficulty in replacing an NGB, I suspect that the USOC will make yet another attempt at replacing the management, and see what happens since they are busy with the Olympics next year. AAU cannot be NGB, and most of the other organizations do not meet the criteria required by the Ted Stevens Act, no matter what they say. Everyone says they are taking over NGB, but it is like the USAT Director Candidate Dr. Trevor Neal who is reported in not one but two magazines that I can find that say that this guy no one knows from a school no one knows who is not active in the USAT or WTF referee ranks is going to be the WTF Referee Vice Chair for the 2012 Olympics. Not only that, this person who has no credibility with anyone also wrote the bible for the athletes at the 2012 Olympics along with his instructor. They can say anything they want, but it doesn't always happen the way they want.
It is not the latest, but the MAC Daddies supposedly have already hiked to the USOC offering to win lots of Olympic Gold if the NGB is given to them. Considering the difficulty in replacing an NGB, I suspect that the USOC will make yet another attempt at replacing the management, and see what happens since they are busy with the Olympics next year. AAU cannot be NGB, and most of the other organizations do not meet the criteria required by the Ted Stevens Act, no matter what they say. Everyone says they are taking over NGB, but it is like the USAT Director Candidate Dr. Trevor Neal who is reported in not one but two magazines that I can find that say that this guy no one knows from a school no one knows who is not active in the USAT or WTF referee ranks is going to be the WTF Referee Vice Chair for the 2012 Olympics. Not only that, this person who has no credibility with anyone also wrote the bible for the athletes at the 2012 Olympics along with his instructor. They can say anything they want, but it doesn't always happen the way they want.

Thanks for your response, do you have a link to the mag articles and is the bible so to speak accessable on the WTF web site or another source? In your mind what group would be able to offer a good NGB? and of what of the OTC isn't that coaching base together with the NGB supposed to be turning out the current and future Olympic hopeful's

Always good to hear from you
Thanks for your response, do you have a link to the mag articles and is the bible so to speak accessable on the WTF web site or another source? In your mind what group would be able to offer a good NGB? and of what of the OTC isn't that coaching base together with the NGB supposed to be turning out the current and future Olympic hopeful's

Always good to hear from you

The links to both articles on in this article:

Sorry, I couldn't find that bible anywhere but a reference in one of the two articles. Hate to say it, but bringing in another organization is problematic in itself. Right now I would love to see them chuck the whole USAT and allow them to file bankruptcy. However, the USAT while poorly managed, rife with cronyism, saddled with debt and just plain ...... has a couple of assets that would take another organization or group too much time in an Olympic year to re-create. Information. The reason the USOC didn't decertify USTU in the first place is the database. USAT has the referees, coaches and athletes. While many would migrate to whomever becomes NGB, it makes more sense to remove the leadership of USAT and replace with someone who like Bob G can dig it from its current morass. I hear that Eric Parthen is saying his job is a "sh*tstorm" and as far as light at the end of the tunnel, he can't even find the tunnel. Rushing as they are to have a new election using the current candidate selections is not the answer either. My personal opinion is that the slate needs to be wiped clean - kick out Marty, kevin and the rest, and replace with an Oversight Committee appointed of experienced business and TKD people. Give them a year to change the bylaws and hold elections - but also to recruit the kind of talent we need on a board right this minute. There are a lot of USAT members who want to be BOD members, just to put it on their business cards. However, this is an emergency situation and USAT does not have time for on the job training. We need leadership with strong ties to the WTF to return it to the USTU glory days. USTU may not have been able to manage money for anything, but it did have the respect of the world competition community. We will see what this weekend's mediation brings. My personal bet is no matter what compromises or solutions that come up, a certain CA City Councilman will scuttle the whole thing anyway - because he can. IMHO.
The links to both articles on in this article:

Sorry, I couldn't find that bible anywhere but a reference in one of the two articles. Hate to say it, but bringing in another organization is problematic in itself. Right now I would love to see them chuck the whole USAT and allow them to file bankruptcy. However, the USAT while poorly managed, rife with cronyism, saddled with debt and just plain ...... has a couple of assets that would take another organization or group too much time in an Olympic year to re-create. Information. The reason the USOC didn't decertify USTU in the first place is the database. USAT has the referees, coaches and athletes. While many would migrate to whomever becomes NGB, it makes more sense to remove the leadership of USAT and replace with someone who like Bob G can dig it from its current morass. I hear that Eric Parthen is saying his job is a "sh*tstorm" and as far as light at the end of the tunnel, he can't even find the tunnel. Rushing as they are to have a new election using the current candidate selections is not the answer either. My personal opinion is that the slate needs to be wiped clean - kick out Marty, kevin and the rest, and replace with an Oversight Committee appointed of experienced business and TKD people. Give them a year to change the bylaws and hold elections - but also to recruit the kind of talent we need on a board right this minute. There are a lot of USAT members who want to be BOD members, just to put it on their business cards. However, this is an emergency situation and USAT does not have time for on the job training. We need leadership with strong ties to the WTF to return it to the USTU glory days. USTU may not have been able to manage money for anything, but it did have the respect of the world competition community. We will see what this weekend's mediation brings. My personal bet is no matter what compromises or solutions that come up, a certain CA City Councilman will scuttle the whole thing anyway - because he can. IMHO.

Thank you. I think your right I wish we could find the deep pockets that had $10 million to recruit the best people, make membership free, referee certification and many other things free to bring people back and salvage what is usable and build on that for a time and then after rebuilding slowly ramp up fees and other revenue issues while involving people that are there help others first before themselves
The atu is trying to gain support for a takeover if the usoc suspends or does away with the usat. Problem is they are a korean run org and it would end up worse than the ustu.
Not that I'm a fan of the ATU, but why would you say they would end up worse than the USTU and are you saying that because they are Korean ran that this automatically means they would be worse?
Mastercole- My comment was not racist. It was based on my exp with several Korean run TKD orgs including the USTU. In said orgs the norm is to favor the higher ranked martial artist and give them control (of events/coaching/team selection/state championships...etc) while overlooking others who are actually qualified to do the job. Don't be naive. We all know it used to happen and still does in several states.
I attended a KOMS seminar in CA over valentines weekend this year put on by the ATU/CTU. I was one of 4 non Koreans present(out of about 300). The presentation was in Korean. The slides were in Han Gul. The only web page ad was in Han Gul (The speaker was surprised at how few non Koreans were there and switched from his English presentation). In fact my own org, the SDTA, did not invite me or any other non Korean to this mtg and were quite surprised to see me having coffee with the New KKW president and his friends when they marched in. Of course they were quick to call me when they needed help running their tourney and to get competitors there.
I was raised to treat all people as equals. I am a former Marine. My ex wife is Arab and my fiancee is Filipino. Does that better explain my point of view?
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Mastercole- My comment was not racist. It was based on my exp with several Korean run TKD orgs including the USTU. In said orgs the norm is to favor the higher ranked martial artist and give them control (of events/coaching/team selection/state championships...etc) while overlooking others who are actually qualified to do the job. Don't be naive. We all know it used to happen and still does in several states.
I attended a KOMS seminar in CA over valentines weekend this year put on by the ATU/CTU. I was one of 4 non Koreans present(out of about 300). The presentation was in Korean. The slides were in Han Gul. The only web page ad was in Han Gul (The speaker was surprised at how few non Koreans were there and switched from his English presentation). In fact my own org, the SDTA, did not invite me or any other non Korean to this mtg and were quite surprised to see me having coffee with the New KKW president and his friends when they marched in. Of course they were quick to call me when they needed help running their tourney and to get competitors there.
I was raised to treat all people as equals. I am a former Marine. My ex wife is Arab and my fiancee is Filipino. Does that better explain my point of view?

No. But thanks for the response.
USAT is dead by it own hand. Just need the USOC to bury it. The problem is that the USOC is not much better. So I don't hold out much hope for the problem ever truly being fixed. The potential for moving from one bad organization to the other is great. We went from the USTU to the USAT. That was going from the frying pan into the fire. I hope they get it right this time for the sport and the athletes. What do you think RSweet can we get it right.
msmitht said:
My comment was not racist. It was based on my exp with several Korean run TKD orgs including the USTU.
While I better understand you view point, and thank you for clearing that up, don't you feel that passing judgment simply because they are a Korean ran group does ring a bit racist? I'm not saying a Korean ran group would be better than any other group, but they should be judged based on their merit not based on what some other Korean ran group may or may not have done wrong in the past.

Since I have dealt with seedy white and black martial art instructors and their organization in the past should I automatically exclude any other white or black instructors or organizations from my options in any future decision making?
USAT is dead by it own hand. Just need the USOC to bury it. The problem is that the USOC is not much better. So I don't hold out much hope for the problem ever truly being fixed. The potential for moving from one bad organization to the other is great. We went from the USTU to the USAT. That was going from the frying pan into the fire. I hope they get it right this time for the sport and the athletes. What do you think RSweet can we get it right.

Well, the credo of most Taekwondoin is "Conviction of Ultimate Victory." Frankly, chances of a positive outcome are slim and non existent. The rush to fix this before 1/1/12 means shortcuts and mistakes. The mediation this weekend ended after one day because of the atmosphere of distrust and lack of good faith negotiations by USAT. I predicted before the meeting that if Herb wasn't happy, there would be no positive outcome. The disdain directed at the complaintants and candidates along with the sheer disrespect demonstrates USAT existed only to cater to herb perez. Even after he walked out twice and then disappeared, USAT CEO Eric Parthen had the nerve to tell the participants that Herb Perez is the only person qualified to run Taekwondo. That aside, there is no time to run a fair and honest election before january. The pool of candidates is small and frankly pretty lousy with just a few exceptions. One of the candidates Doug Sofranko has admitted his competition record is inflated (not his fault), he had issues with the military over wearing SEAL trident when he washed out of the program after one week and his business experience........ I believe Herb wants to be seated unopposed as he knows if somehow the club owners get the vote, Herb might get his own school's vote and a couple others, but cannot win. I also know that if he is placed on the BOD a number of schools and coaches who control USAT membership will walk. Money is an issue. A lot in the way of USOC support is going to be determined this weekend at the Olympic Qualifiers. If USAT qualifies the 4 spots, it may get more help from USOC. If USAT doesn't qualify a reasonable number, just get the shovel and finish burying it.

There are a lot of talented, experienced USAT members that want this to work. However, the tools left in the toolbox are few and rusty. Difficult but not impossible to put back together. it will take a strong leader whom USAT members can respect and who has good ties to the WTF to pull this off. Anything is possible and everyone will keep fighting, but the USOC Hearing Panel may just decertify it and wash their hands of it all.
Well, the credo of most Taekwondoin is "Conviction of Ultimate Victory." Frankly, chances of a positive outcome are slim and non existent. The rush to fix this before 1/1/12 means shortcuts and mistakes. The mediation this weekend ended after one day because of the atmosphere of distrust and lack of good faith negotiations by USAT. I predicted before the meeting that if Herb wasn't happy, there would be no positive outcome. The disdain directed at the complaintants and candidates along with the sheer disrespect demonstrates USAT existed only to cater to herb perez. Even after he walked out twice and then disappeared, USAT CEO Eric Parthen had the nerve to tell the participants that Herb Perez is the only person qualified to run Taekwondo. That aside, there is no time to run a fair and honest election before january. The pool of candidates is small and frankly pretty lousy with just a few exceptions. One of the candidates Doug Sofranko has admitted his competition record is inflated (not his fault), he had issues with the military over wearing SEAL trident when he washed out of the program after one week and his business experience........ I believe Herb wants to be seated unopposed as he knows if somehow the club owners get the vote, Herb might get his own school's vote and a couple others, but cannot win. I also know that if he is placed on the BOD a number of schools and coaches who control USAT membership will walk. Money is an issue. A lot in the way of USOC support is going to be determined this weekend at the Olympic Qualifiers. If USAT qualifies the 4 spots, it may get more help from USOC. If USAT doesn't qualify a reasonable number, just get the shovel and finish burying it.

There are a lot of talented, experienced USAT members that want this to work. However, the tools left in the toolbox are few and rusty. Difficult but not impossible to put back together. it will take a strong leader whom USAT members can respect and who has good ties to the WTF to pull this off. Anything is possible and everyone will keep fighting, but the USOC Hearing Panel may just decertify it and wash their hands of it all.

What are the chances getting Herb and friends out. It looks like he is gearing up for another run at robbing the membership. We try to stay away from the USAT as much as possible. Unfortunately they are the only game for some things. We support AAU.
What are the chances getting Herb and friends out. It looks like he is gearing up for another run at robbing the membership. We try to stay away from the USAT as much as possible. Unfortunately they are the only game for some things. We support AAU.

Best thing about this moving back to the USOC Hearing Panel is they know him, they know his antics, and it doesn't look like they will put up with him. Getting Marty out will be a struggle as everyone wants to protect the 80 year old lady. Getting Kevin and Mark Williams out will be as soon as there can be an election or if the USOC does to them what they did to Sang Lee January 2004. Until this is settled, voting with your pocket book may be the only solution.
Best thing about this moving back to the USOC Hearing Panel is they know him, they know his antics, and it doesn't look like they will put up with him. Getting Marty out will be a struggle as everyone wants to protect the 80 year old lady. Getting Kevin and Mark Williams out will be as soon as there can be an election or if the USOC does to them what they did to Sang Lee January 2004. Until this is settled, voting with your pocket book may be the only solution.

Getting Herb, Juan, Kevin and Jean out is the key. Everything else falls after that. Keep pushing buttons