How do YOU teach control?

Since the brother and dad are still coming, it sounds like a win-win situation.

I would think you feel relieved now. Hope so.

Parents and students may be more relieved than you know.
Don't know if I should say sorry or congratulations. It makes life easier when you don't have those types in class, but they're also the ones you hope you can reach. What about the Dad and brother? Are they still coming to class?

...and their gone.....
There may be more to this young man than meets the eye. There was once a young man in my class who was mildly retarded. He was nice, but, when he got too into sparring, he lost control. He almost kicked a friend of mine in the head one time. Our SaBum-Nim pulled him right out and made him sit out for not maintaining control. He may have a history of emotional/social problems that the family is not comfortable discussing. I have seen young kids also act out and loose control at times because they want to win. I would see if that could be it and then stress that winning is not the point, improving and working with others to improve is. If that does not work and the family leaves, then let them go. The safety of your students comes first. Good luck, hope things work out.