How Did You Come To Train At Your Current School?


Master Black Belt
May 28, 2006
Reaction score
Council Bluffs, IA
I'm curious- and this same question has been posed to the junior members of my association-

How did you come to study at your current martial arts club/school? And how did you come to train at the former ones (if any)?

Was it word of mouth? Flyers posted somewhere? Because of a demonstration? What?...


Senior Master
May 28, 2006
Reaction score
Sagamore Beach, MA
Finding the school I originally trained at was dumb luck. In '94 I was looking to start taking some kind of martial art but I didn't know which one. I had just seen The Perfect Weapon on video at a friend's house and fell in love with the quick hand movements. The problem was, there was nothing in the phonebook that said Kenpo, so I narrowed it down to Tang So Do or Tai Kwon Do since those were the closest to home. I talked to the school owners and asked a few ignorant questions. Then one day, I went to get my hair cut at a place ten minutes down the road from my house. When I left the place, I got in my car and looked at the second floor of the building and there was a sign that had the word Kempo. I wrote down the number and signed up the following week. And that is my story, as dumb as it is.