Horse stance?

You know what, this could be bloke thing. I can rarely get to a fully relaxed state. I know it can done by blokes, but maybe a minority sadly.

Then I have the mind of a man :( The days I feel relaxed are the days hell freezes over (so think snow in Florida!)
3 big dogs (lab/hound, chow/newfie, lab/pitbull), 2 cats (12 lbs., 22 lbs.), and a miniature dachshund. The pit mix is the youngest, and the most disturbing (and disturbed).

Those sound awesome and adorable and way better than my jack russell/rat terrier mix.
Yeah. A 75 lb. lovable idiot.

A 22 pound cat. That seems a little heavy, depending on the cat.
When he was 24 lbs (2 years ago), we asked the vet if he needed to lose weight. Vet said, "No, he's supposed to be that big. Your cat has dinosaur bones."

Everyone, meet Sir Isaac...
You know what, this could be bloke thing. I can rarely get to a fully relaxed state. I know it can done by blokes, but maybe a minority sadly.
I tried meditating once and went to clear my mind then thought to myself hey has it worked is my mind clear? Wait no I'm thinking right now crap try again.

That went on for about 3 minutes before I quit lol
My horse stance sucks lol I keep getting told off for bending my knees inward I don't know Id I have funny knees or something as I genuinely try and push them out. I am slightly duck footed so that could be a reason.
I tried meditating once and went to clear my mind then thought to myself hey has it worked is my mind clear? Wait no I'm thinking right now crap try again.

That went on for about 3 minutes before I quit lol
The idea that your mind will be completely empty is one I've heard countered by people who are experienced in traditional meditation. The focus, at least early on, is simply on being aware of your thoughts and bringing them back to the meditation.
My horse stance sucks lol I keep getting told off for bending my knees inward I don't know Id I have funny knees or something as I genuinely try and push them out. I am slightly duck footed so that could be a reason.
I have a similar problem. I have to compromise between angling my feet too far out and having my knees too far in.
I tried meditating once and went to clear my mind then thought to myself hey has it worked is my mind clear? Wait no I'm thinking right now crap try again.

That went on for about 3 minutes before I quit lol

Yeah, Yoga and the fighting mindset seem ad odds, but somehow a little relevant.
traditional meditation.
Before I didn't know why people want to meditate. One day my doctor told me that meditation can low my "blood pressure". I have tried this myself so many times. My BP may start as 130. I can use meditation to make it drop to 110, even 95. May be someday someone will publish a paper on this.
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My horse stance sucks lol I keep getting told off for bending my knees inward I don't know Id I have funny knees or something as I genuinely try and push them out. I am slightly duck footed so that could be a reason.

It's just a question of balance. Find the sweet spot.
It's just a question of balance. Find the sweet spot.

The Yoga will help get the hips flexible enought to horse stance well.

And flexable hips is in turn necessary to lift things correctly. Which is why even after reading the correct lifting techniques pamphlet people still lift with their back.

And on that point. The correct lifting structure is a very basic martial arts structure.
The Yoga will help get the hips flexible enought to horse stance well.

And flexable hips is in turn necessary to lift things correctly. Which is why even after reading the correct lifting techniques pamphlet people still lift with their back.

And on that point. The correct lifting structure is a very basic martial arts structure.

Yes. Correct lifting is important, especially when having a bad back.
I Googled it and I think I have nightmares! How in the world is someone supposed to stand that way
Stance is a misleading word, you're not supposed to stand like and fight, it just a position you are in momentarily.

Imagine if you took a photo of someone serving in tennis, that position they are in in the photo is not the position you get into to serve a tennis ball, it's just a position they happened to be in fleetingly during the act of serving.
Stance is a misleading word, you're not supposed to stand like and fight, it just a position you are in momentarily.

Imagine if you took a photo of someone serving in tennis, that position they are in in the photo is not the position you get into to serve a tennis ball, it's just a position they happened to be in fleetingly during the act of serving.
Agreed. Most stances are rarely held in application. In training, we spend much more time in them.

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