Honoring China's Anniversary?


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
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Chattanooga, TN
Empire State Building lit for China, drawing ire


NEW YORK – Red and yellow lights shone from the top of the Empire State Building at dusk Wednesday, a tribute to communist China's 60th anniversary that protesters labeled "blatant approval" of totalitarianism and criticized as inappropriate for an icon in the land of the free.
The building is routinely lit with different to mark holidays and big events, but opponents questioned whether it's right to commemorate a sensitive political issue, particularly when China has such a poor human rights record.

About 20 supporters of Tibet, which China has ruled since shortly after communists took over in 1949, protested outside the building during a ceremonial lighting of a scale model inside the lobby. They chanted "No to China's empire; free Tibet now," and held signs reading, "Empire State Building celebrating 60 years of China's oppression."
Lhadon Tethong, executive director of Students for a Free Tibet, called the lighting "outright, blatant approval for a communist totalitarian system."
"It's a great public relations coup for the Chinese state," Tethong said as tourists gawked at the protesters. "But on the other hand, it's sure to backfire because the American public and the global public will speak against it."
I'm sorry but as much as I like China and the Chinese people I have to go along with the protest on this. To celebrate such a government and one who ordered the slaughter of who knows how many tens of thousands of people because they protested against them... no, the lighting of an American Icon to honor their 60th anniversary. I'm sorry I just can't support the idea of doing this. I say okay Happy Anniversary but that's about it and that is in a flat monotone voice at best.
It was wrong to do that...flat out.

Thoughts, comments?
Lets all celebrate sixty years of oppression and murder!
Hoo friggin ray
Lets all celebrate sixty years of oppression and murder!
Hoo friggin ray

It's a privately owned building. They lease some time with the lights to various organizations to honor things, and do some on their own. On Martin Luther King Day, the Empire State Building is lit up in Black Nationalist Colors(red, black and green).

Living in a capitalist society, it seems fair to me that anyone that can afford to buy a lighting scheme can do so; that being said, we make a lot of money off chinese merchandise in this country.

I mean: jeans, tires, tennis shoes, electronics, etc. The US buys 18.6% of China's export trade (as of 2008). That's almost 19% of $1.4 trillion. More than any other country in the world. [Src - CIA Factbook]

I suppose, if I were one to make a fuss, that I would be more cautious of the purchases I make than of a lighting scheme.
The day will come when we will kowtow to our new lords and masters. Doesn't hurt to get in some butt-kissing in the meantime. Mae wenti, baby.
I'm not pro-celebrating the anniversary of the current Chinese government in any way, but I do find it ironic that people on here who otherwise rant about 'freedom' now have a problem with the exercise of it.
I'm not pro-celebrating the anniversary of the current Chinese government in any way, but I do find it ironic that people on here who otherwise rant about 'freedom' now have a problem with the exercise of it.

I must have missed the post that recommended organizing an armed force to make them take down the lights. They have their right to support an oppressive regime; we have the right to criticize them for it. What part of this are you not getting?
I must have missed the post that recommended organizing an armed force to make them take down the lights. They have their right to support an oppressive regime; we have the right to criticize them for it. What part of this are you not getting?
So let's see...
I'm sorry I just can't support the idea of doing this.
So he can't support what? The right to free speech?

The day will come when we will kowtow to our new lords and masters. Doesn't hurt to get in some butt-kissing in the meantime. Mae wenti, baby.
So we should see someone expressing their freedom of speech as actually capitulating to a future overlord?

Yeah, just criticizing.
So let's see...

So he can't support what? The right to free speech?

So we should see someone expressing their freedom of speech as actually capitulating to a future overlord?

Yeah, just criticizing.

Again, please show me where he recommended forcing them not to do it. Otherwise, he's just exercising his own right to free speech.
It's a privately owned building, let them do what they want with it. I'm sure there are millions of Americans with Chinese ancestory who appreciate the gesture. It's a damn site better than a cold war standoff. As a matter of fact, the colours look rather nice!!
It's a privately owned building, let them do what they want with it. I'm sure there are millions of Americans with Chinese ancestory who appreciate the gesture. It's a damn site better than a cold war standoff. As a matter of fact, the colours look rather nice!!

Yeah, I kinda like the colors too. You know, this is kind of a "win-win" situation. The Chinese get their tribute and it provides a great venue for the protesters to get some publicity for their cause. Freedom of speech and all. Gotta love it!
We're just showing support for our Socialist brothers and sisters. :rolleyes:

Little by little, Communist China becomes more Capitalist, and little by little, the USA becomes more Socialist.

We'll meet in the middle and have Taco Bell. Someday, all restaurants will be Taco Bell. All we will have left to hate will be the cable company.
So we should see someone expressing their freedom of speech as actually capitulating to a future overlord?

Expressing one's freedom of speech is a good thing, whether I agree with the thing they support or not.

In this case, I do not.

I do not equate exercising of freedom of speech with capitulating to a future overlord. I happen to think that China will end up owning us lock, stock, and barrel. Which would be, oh, I dunno, maybe MY freedom of speech.

Are you denying me my freedom of speech? For shame.
It's a privately owned building, let them do what they want with it. I'm sure there are millions of Americans with Chinese ancestory who appreciate the gesture. It's a damn site better than a cold war standoff. As a matter of fact, the colours look rather nice!!

Who are you, and what have you done with Yorkshirelad???!!! :lol:
So let's see...
Originally Posted by MA-Caver
I'm sorry I just can't support the idea of doing this.
So he can't support what? The right to free speech?
So I should support the free speech of a country that denies free speech, speaking in a country that allows free speech?? HUH? wait a second?
I said I do not support the Government of China. They are guilty of the murders of their own people and seek to over take a defenseless country whether that country (Tibet) wants them to or not, and that will be by brute force if they find it necessary (and they probably will).
Either way... my freedom of speech says I don't like it... I never said they SHOULDN'T do it. I said I don't support it and I think it's wrong. Either way it's over and done with the celebration is over with until 10 years later for their 70th anniversary.

So we should see someone expressing their freedom of speech as actually capitulating to a future overlord?

Yeah, just criticizing.
No, but the possibility is very real. While China is not hurting economically (they have nearly 1000 times more economic surplus than we do, according to a CIA report put out recently). The U.S. policy may interfere with China's own... particularly in regards to the oil reserves in Saudi Arabia. Their own demand for the black substance is growing.
Hopefully we will not have that "future overlord" scenario be played out. But the idea isn't too far-fetched.
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Who are you, and what have you done with Yorkshirelad???!!! :lol:
I don't necessarily support the government of China. That being said, I think it is important to acknowledge the cultural and economic contributions the Chinese have given to the US.

I'm also an advocate for freedom of expression and I think the colour scheme is attractive.

I assure you Elder O' mine, there is no change in the mean spirited ultra conservative Yorkshirelad tou all know and love
Expressing one's freedom of speech is a good thing, whether I agree with the thing they support or not.

In this case, I do not.

I do not equate exercising of freedom of speech with capitulating to a future overlord. I happen to think that China will end up owning us lock, stock, and barrel. Which would be, oh, I dunno, maybe MY freedom of speech...

Well if that ever happens and I have to learn Chinese, I will become a very quiet individual!
I'm sorry but as much as I like China and the Chinese people I have to go along with the protest on this.
It was wrong to do that...flat out.

Thoughts, comments?

hmmmm....so we should tell the owners of privately owned real estate what they should do with their own property...would that be communism?

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