HM the Q tells off Italian Prime Minister


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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The Queen tells off the Italian Prime Minister for shouting! Buckingham Palace however stated that he had not given offence lol!
This is the man who described Obama as "young, handsome and also tanned".
Some of the people commented that she shouldn't have told off the chap who's in charge of another country but he was in her house at the time lol!
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it must be endlessly entertaining to have a royal family.

it must be endlessly entertaining to have a royal family.


I think that's what we pay them for! Phil the Greek has his foot permanently in his mouth, there's few he hasn't upset. The Princes seem to keep the paparazzi happy. we haven't seen much of Fergie for a while though. Andrew is a lounge lizard and Edward is a wuss. Anne has the balls in the family while Charles well he's just Charles.
just got off work & got a chance to watch the video. i kinda want to party with the italian prime minister, he looks like a fun guy!

between him, & the french leader being married to a supermodel, i think europe has way cooler leaders than us.

just got off work & got a chance to watch the video. i kinda want to party with the italian prime minister, he looks like a fun guy!

between him, & the french leader being married to a supermodel, i think europe has way cooler leaders than us.


LOL, well at least Europe tends to judge its politicians more by the political stuff they do (or don't) than by their private lives. Thats not to say there's not great interest in their private lives, its just that it's considered separate from the 'work' stuff.