Here's a tough one...



My intsructor asked this to our class a few months ago. I thought it would be interesting to see the responses from everybody here.

"What is the most powerful technique in Karate?"

We were all clueless.
Honestly it is not doing a Technique implying your at peace and not in conflict.
Honestly it is not doing a Technique implying your at peace and not in conflict.
close, and partially true...but not quite right
The most powerfull hand strike is an inward downward hammerfist. The most powerfull kick is probably the heel or Mule kick (Matt David aka Sterling Peacock told me about the kick when I was ten; I could be wrong)
I said a reverse punch or side kick. Still got it wrong...

(hint: its a zen sort of question)
Shodan said:
My guess is awareness? Is that a technique?!

:asian: :karate:

yes it is, but still not there...yet
Sounds familiar. My master asks that question every so often, like in years.... Its funny but I think his answer seems to change...

I've heard him say, side kick. Then I heard him say, spin side. And lately he said round kick, so it is whatever is more powerful and relevant for the particular situation is what I say. Or I guess you could say, just walking away is another "technique" but really it is absence of technique and good common sense. Throwing hands up... TW

new hint:

Ideally, what should be going through your head during a punch? What is the key to personal awareness?

you are all right, but so wrong...think zen!
Scout_379 said:

new hint:

Ideally, what should be going through your head during a punch? What is the key to personal awareness?

you are all right, but so wrong...think zen!

If it's something about relearning innocence and mushin, I'm gonna cry.
Marginal said:
If it's something about relearning innocence and mushin, I'm gonna cry.
pretty much my thoughts if the answer is "no technique" which is what i thought of when i first read this post...but i withheld my reply to see what others would say.....

mushin is a part of it, but just like all the previous answers. Relearning innocence? beats me...

The answer is "nothing". there is no one technique
no technique, but at the same time it is the technique at hand...

The way I had it best put to me was that a punch just happens, nothing, no thought needed to throw it out there...

Like when your hand shoots out for your grandparents wedding set that you just nudged off the table. The moment where there is nothing in your head, that split second, just before you start thinking, OH, SH##!!!

but I may have messed up in my reasoning or memory.

Can anyone else get anything from "nothing?" I mean, does anyone else have another interpretation?
pretty much my thoughts if the answer is "no technique" which is what i thought of when i first read this post...but i withheld my reply to see what others would say.....

Mark Weiser said:
Honestly it is not doing a Technique implying your at peace and not in conflict.
I think that is what I said in the first place.
That was the answer in the beginning of "Enter the Dragon"