Height, Reach and Weight Disadvantages/Advantages


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Jun 21, 2003
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Considering that we're all built differently, the chances of us, in a self defense situation, of facing someone taller, heavier, etc. are great.

If you have the advantage, how do you as individuals, use that 'plus' against your opponent? If you're the one who's at the disadvantage, how do you compensate for the differences? I'm specifically looking for techniques/strategies here.

If im facing someone taller than me and they are a better fighter than me, I just keep kicking them in the groin area until they fall to the ground or stop throwing punches at me.
against a taller opponent (i'm little, so i have some experience here), you want to stay closer than you're comfortable being.

with a reach advantage, if you stay out you get pummelled with impunity. only way round is to get in tight where they're jammed up and you can peck away at them. danger here is if they're much bigger than you, they may choose to grapple with you. smaller = disadvantaged if you're grappling.
just damage the attacker and take him out, regardless of size.

If are the one to bring maximum damage the quickest, you will win, regardless of size difference. This is achieved by not being afraid to escalate the force quickly with the bigger guy (ie. hit vital, use enviromental weapons, use carry weapons etc.).

Lucky for us who might be facing a larger opponent that there aren't any rules on the street; so being the first with the most can happened effectively against bigger people.
Well, you obviously can't trade punches with someone twice your size so, IMO, you have to hit vital spots quickly and until the situation is ended. In my case, because I'm short and stocky, if I cannot keep them out of range with low sidekicks, I will rely upon knees, elbows, and palm-heels. Straight punching, beyond the setup jab, is out of the question. A large attacker literally only needs to hit me solidly once to end it, so I am very cautious and also likely to back down if in any way possible.
I'm 6'4" and 18 Stone, that's about 250lbs. Height and weight are a massive advantage but I have come up against many people better than me. Usually I will be able to stop an opponent with strikes, but if not, I will hang on to avoid being struck and go to ground where I can really use me size and strength to an advantage. Even the most skill full people need to be fitter than me or better at grappling.
James Patrick said:
just damage the attacker and take him out, regardless of size.

If are the one to bring maximum damage the quickest, you will win, regardless of size difference. This is achieved by not being afraid to escalate the force quickly with the bigger guy (ie. hit vital, use enviromental weapons, use carry weapons etc.).

Lucky for us who might be facing a larger opponent that there aren't any rules on the street; so being the first with the most can happened effectively against bigger people.

While I agree with James, I would like to add some points here as well

If you cannot get your arm around a person you can not do a body throw. If you cannot get your hand around their hand then you cannot control their hand or wrist. If the person is so much taller than you that you cannot hit them in the throat and body shot are not working because of to much mass in the area, then go for the lower half as other have stated, including the feet and shins.

As to being the bigger guy and facing the smaller faster guy, I wait for them to get within in range and then I escalate the the fight to them.

An empty soda can can bear an enormous amount of weight, but push into the side of it, and it can be crushed easily. Think structural integrity. No matter how big or strong, without structural integrity, they are left helpless.

I know this was not a technique, but I tend to think in terms of principles rather than Technique A is for Attack J.
Bigshadow said:
An empty soda can can bear an enormous amount of weight, but push into the side of it, and it can be crushed easily. Think structural integrity. No matter how big or strong, without structural integrity, they are left helpless.

I know this was not a technique, but I tend to think in terms of principles rather than Technique A is for Attack J.

Good one. Take out the knees! Lots of pain and one cannot run after you so well.

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