Heaven can wait, thought experiment.


Master of Arts
Jul 18, 2015
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in the movie "Heaven can wait" A man near death is accidentally killed by Angel, who were unaware that he was supposed to live.

The twist is... it was you.

They can't get you back into your old body... but they know how passionate you are about martial arts. And have some candidates to replace your lost body.

Option 1. A semi pro boxers body and skillset.
Has an iron jaw. His gym is run by a guy work worked (as an assistant) for Cus D'amato, until the day he died.

Option 2. A Bjj worlds competitor, who never made it to finals. Raised in Brazil.

Option 3. A nephew of the Emperor of Japan who is finishing his samurai training. [Requires giving up modern living.]

Option 4. A son of a fisherman in Okinawa who meets a shipwrecked Chinese Martial Artist, and has arranged training in exchange for food.

Option 5. The Kodokan has been established, this body is a first or second generation Judoka.

Option 6. A Russian raised in a town that Sambo is the cottage industry. While not the very very best, this one is still something special.

Option 7. Mr Jan [Leung Jan] has been training a group of young men and even a few ladies in Wing Chun. One of them is available.

Option 8. This one was raised from childhood learning a Filipino Martial art in the Philippines, Singapore or Malaysia.
Could be present day or in the past... your choice.

Option 9. This guy has been going to a MMA gym for a really long time. But he isn't a youngster but has a polished grace in his moves.

Option 10. This one was raised from childhood learning a Muy Thai or Muay Boran art in Thailand. Could be present day or in the past... your choice.

The only rule is you cannot pick what you exactly do now. The goal is if you could do something else what would it be?

In the movie his first few choices didn't work out for him. So you get two freebies, but you are stuck with your third.

I will go with
Option 7, For my first... old Wing Chun

Option 5, Number two would be a Judoka

I would love to die of old age doing karate in Okinawa... but that isn't an Option in my case... but I cannot.

Next best thing, Any beautiful island and FMA
Option 8 Present day. as my final choice.

But I was really torn between that and The option 9. MMA gym life but I will stick with option 8.

and the icing on the cake is, you get to remember all the "trial runs" but you might not want to tell anyone... they might think your crazy.
Option 10, Muay Thai in Thailand.

Sambo (Option 6) would be ok, but would not like to live in Russia...
Haha cool question, love it!

Yeah also would choose a karate option, but alas, we move on!

Probably Option 4, a son of a fisherman in Okinawa, that would be a really cool scenario!

Otherwise Option 3. Am okay with giving up modern living, samurai living!

No idea what else.. maybe Option 7, wing chun!
If I'm going to get to remember the first two experiences, then probably 1, 2, 5. I'd get some high-level boxing experience, some high-level BJJ experience, then get to spend a lot of time playing with (and later teaching) Judo.
Hay screw all this rubbish if I'm coming back I want to come back as the godfather of martial arts isaiah90. He's my new hero he knows absolutely about every style and why it'll all kill you and he knows all this with only 5 years training now that's Impressive.

Now seriously I'd go with 4
in the movie "Heaven can wait" A man near death is accidentally killed by Angel, who were unaware that he was supposed to live.

The twist is... it was you.

They can't get you back into your old body... but they know how passionate you are about martial arts. And have some candidates to replace your lost body.

Option 1. A semi pro boxers body and skillset.
Has an iron jaw. His gym is run by a guy work worked (as an assistant) for Cus D'amato, until the day he died.

Option 2. A Bjj worlds competitor, who never made it to finals. Raised in Brazil.

Option 3. A nephew of the Emperor of Japan who is finishing his samurai training. [Requires giving up modern living.]

Option 4. A son of a fisherman in Okinawa who meets a shipwrecked Chinese Martial Artist, and has arranged training in exchange for food.

Option 5. The Kodokan has been established, this body is a first or second generation Judoka.

Option 6. A Russian raised in a town that Sambo is the cottage industry. While not the very very best, this one is still something special.

Option 7. Mr Jan [Leung Jan] has been training a group of young men and even a few ladies in Wing Chun. One of them is available.

Option 8. This one was raised from childhood learning a Filipino Martial art in the Philippines, Singapore or Malaysia.
Could be present day or in the past... your choice.

Option 9. This guy has been going to a MMA gym for a really long time. But he isn't a youngster but has a polished grace in his moves.

Option 10. This one was raised from childhood learning a Muy Thai or Muay Boran art in Thailand. Could be present day or in the past... your choice.

The only rule is you cannot pick what you exactly do now. The goal is if you could do something else what would it be?

In the movie his first few choices didn't work out for him. So you get two freebies, but you are stuck with your third.

I will go with
Option 7, For my first... old Wing Chun

Option 5, Number two would be a Judoka

I would love to die of old age doing karate in Okinawa... but that isn't an Option in my case... but I cannot.

Next best thing, Any beautiful island and FMA
Option 8 Present day. as my final choice.

But I was really torn between that and The option 9. MMA gym life but I will stick with option 8.

and the icing on the cake is, you get to remember all the "trial runs" but you might not want to tell anyone... they might think your crazy.

Why are these angels being so mean with their options? It's their fault after all i will s insist I can back as a f1_racing driver 20 million a year, an infinite amount of attractive women and I can pay some one good to teach me ma, Or just beat people up for me. Son of a,fishermen my left foot they owe me big time,
Why are these angels being so mean with their options? It's their fault after all i will s insist I can back as a f1_racing driver 20 million a year, an infinite amount of attractive women and I can pay some one good to teach me ma, Or just beat people up for me. Son of a,fishermen my left foot they owe me big time,
I’m with you on this one. Only I’d come back as a guy who became a billionaire before 30, sell the company and live off the money doing whatever and who ever I wanted whenever I wanted to (all consensual of course, no me too type stuff).

I’ve already had my run as a poor man. Trust me, it’s not as glorious as it seems. Being a peasant in a 3rd world country now or even worse back in the day doesn’t sound like much fun.
I don't know if it is good or bad, but my art isn't represented so I guess I'll just have to go on to my reward. :)
Why are these angels being so mean with their options? It's their fault after all i will s insist I can back as a f1_racing driver 20 million a year, an infinite amount of attractive women and I can pay some one good to teach me ma, Or just beat people up for me. Son of a,fishermen my left foot they owe me big time,

Alright. Son a highly successful commercial fisherman. but please try to play
I don't know if it is good or bad, but my art isn't represented so I guess I'll just have to go on to my reward. :)
Suggestions about what other Arts are being reviewed

Option 11 is "Oftheherd1" martial art choice.
Suggestions about what other Arts are being reviewed

Option 11 is "Oftheherd1" martial art choice.

I've never made a secret of the fact my art is Hapkido. Of course I would want nothing else. It fits me well. YMMV ;)
in the movie "Heaven can wait" A man near death is accidentally killed by Angel, who were unaware that he was supposed to live.

The twist is... it was you.

They can't get you back into your old body... but they know how passionate you are about martial arts. And have some candidates to replace your lost body.

Option 1. A semi pro boxers body and skillset.
Has an iron jaw. His gym is run by a guy work worked (as an assistant) for Cus D'amato, until the day he died.

Option 2. A Bjj worlds competitor, who never made it to finals. Raised in Brazil.

Option 3. A nephew of the Emperor of Japan who is finishing his samurai training. [Requires giving up modern living.]

Option 4. A son of a fisherman in Okinawa who meets a shipwrecked Chinese Martial Artist, and has arranged training in exchange for food.

Option 5. The Kodokan has been established, this body is a first or second generation Judoka.

Option 6. A Russian raised in a town that Sambo is the cottage industry. While not the very very best, this one is still something special.

Option 7. Mr Jan [Leung Jan] has been training a group of young men and even a few ladies in Wing Chun. One of them is available.

Option 8. This one was raised from childhood learning a Filipino Martial art in the Philippines, Singapore or Malaysia.
Could be present day or in the past... your choice.

Option 9. This guy has been going to a MMA gym for a really long time. But he isn't a youngster but has a polished grace in his moves.

Option 10. This one was raised from childhood learning a Muy Thai or Muay Boran art in Thailand. Could be present day or in the past... your choice.

The only rule is you cannot pick what you exactly do now. The goal is if you could do something else what would it be?

In the movie his first few choices didn't work out for him. So you get two freebies, but you are stuck with your third.

I will go with
Option 7, For my first... old Wing Chun

Option 5, Number two would be a Judoka

I would love to die of old age doing karate in Okinawa... but that isn't an Option in my case... but I cannot.

Next best thing, Any beautiful island and FMA
Option 8 Present day. as my final choice.

But I was really torn between that and The option 9. MMA gym life but I will stick with option 8.

and the icing on the cake is, you get to remember all the "trial runs" but you might not want to tell anyone... they might think your crazy.
option 4
I'm going with option five. But I figure I got them over a barrel, I'm negotiating.

I'm going with option five. But I figure I got them over a barrel, I'm negotiating.

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During the War your vessel gets thrown of course and you find yourself frozen in Antarctica. Later a Japanese scientist science expedition discovered your ship with you on board, combining Artifical Intelligence, stem cells, quantum technology and the Japanese art of Reiki they get your heart started again.

You find yourself in a brave new world, with the internet. And in very high regard by the Kodokan... until you start criticizing the recent ban on techniques that involve grabbing the leg, or legs.

Your favorite place to hang out is the MT forums, since you got over the culture shock.

So what were the other two trial lives?
If it follows the movies, you would eventually forget who you are and essentially become the person you're replacing. That's a significant ask.

I think I would be the mma guy but mostly because I like living in the USA.

And as a fun fact, Heaven Can Wait was a remake . anyone ever see the movie Here Comes Mr. Jordan? Thats where I first heard the phrase, "I was in the pink!"
If it follows the movies, you would eventually forget who you are and essentially become the person you're replacing. That's a significant ask.

I think I would be the mma guy but mostly because I like living in the USA.

And as a fun fact, Heaven Can Wait was a remake . anyone ever see the movie Here Comes Mr. Jordan? Thats where I first heard the phrase, "I was in the pink!"
I thought it was a double remake.
I thought it was a double remake.
I think there was another movie based on Heaven Can Wait, but I don't think Here Comes Mr. Jordan was based on another film. That one came out in the early 40s, so if it was a remake of anything, it would likely have been a silent film or a stage play. I might be wrong.