he was doing so good



i was at this tourny where this one guy was doing perfect. his shots were beautiful and countered great. but he was nervous. all the sudden he panics: he started to scream and go at the other guy. i was so shocked, whats that about?
..............:shrug: Maybe he thought he was gonna lose?
Originally posted by hand2handCombat
i was at this tourny where this one guy was doing perfect. his shots were beautiful and countered great. but he was nervous. all the sudden he panics: he started to scream and go at the other guy. i was so shocked, whats that about?

Why are you asking us? Seriously. Maybe the guy was hoping for a surprise from the yell.

D@mn, you have the weirdest questions and posts.
Yeah, it is kind of an odd question. Sometimes people can hoold in panic for only so long, then they loose control.

Damian Mavis: this one time, at band camp.....
You know what happens too hand2hand around shampoo bottles,I wonder if he has any interesting stories about flutes?:EG:
Originally posted by Damian Mavis
this one time, at band camp.....
Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

...we have a new "KING OF THE DISCUSSION BOARD" for today.

I'll never get this milk out of my keyboard d@mn you!
Perhaps the guy was suddenly posessed by an ancient samurai warrior's spirit, and he started to have a past life regression?

Maybe he just decided it was all just a buncha crap and went postal, who knows?

Could be that his sedative wore off, or his schizophrenia kicked in.

Hard to tell.

