Have you used a technique in a real life situation?

swiftpete said:
That made me laugh out loud!
Wonder if they thought you were showing off...?!

Hard to say. There was a popular bar about 3 doors to the rear of me; they probably thought that was involved :).
evenflow1121 said:
Just one time, and it was The Sleeper.
This is an interesting choice of techniques to use. Did you actually apply the choke? What was the situation and why did you use Sleeper?
dubljay said:
This is an interesting choice of techniques to use. Did you actually apply the choke? What was the situation and why did you use Sleeper?
To tell you the truth, still today it would be hard for me to explain it, it just flowed, seemed like the right technique to use, in fact I didnt even think about it, it just went through automatically. The situation was, I was in a club down in the Beach area, my best friend had just graduated from the Police Academy and a group of us went down to a bar to celebrate his accomplishment. I was in my first year of undergrad at the time, and some half assed drunk pinhead grabbed one of the girls that was with us, he pinched her behind lol. So I slapped his hand out of the way, and the next thing I know is he throws a punch and in came the technique lol. I probably could have kicked him in the groin and elbowed him in the face or wow a multitude of things, that was just the technique I executed. Its all I remember, well that and watching the bouncer's face in awe, lol I am in no way a big guy.
evenflow1121 said:
To tell you the truth, still today it would be hard for me to explain it, it just flowed, seemed like the right technique to use, in fact I didnt even think about it, it just went through automatically. The situation was, I was in a club down in the Beach area, my best friend had just graduated from the Police Academy and a group of us went down to a bar to celebrate his accomplishment. I was in my first year of undergrad at the time, and some half assed drunk pinhead grabbed one of the girls that was with us, he pinched her behind lol. So I slapped his hand out of the way, and the next thing I know is he throws a punch and in came the technique lol. I probably could have kicked him in the groin and elbowed him in the face or wow a multitude of things, that was just the technique I executed. Its all I remember, well that and watching the bouncer's face in awe, lol I am in no way a big guy.
I was just curious, becasue I am a bit leary of using a choke technique on someone because it can lead to serious complications. I fully understand what its like in the heat of a situation and having only a split second to chose what to do. You handled the situation well from what you posted.
ParkerKenpoDetective said:
Never a full technique. The closest I ever got was a picture perfect mirror-image first move from Conquering Shield a few years ago when I was almost mugged at gunpoint outside a bank. It was one of those situations that you warned against, over and over again. It was 11:30 PM in a not-so-nice neighborhood and I needed money so I went to my bank which was the only building on a service road between two major roads. How many times have we been told to avoid possibly dangerous situations and areas? "Aw, it's friday night and I need beer money". The one friggin time! :)

I stepped out of the ATM booth (didn't go to the drive-up ATM because a guy had been robbing cars there over the past couple months) and a guy stepped out in front of me with a Taurus 357 revolver, hammer down, pointed at my chest. He told me to give him my money and ATM card, using a very colorful mixture of nasty words. What exactly is it about the "F" word that makes people think it'll paralyze me with fear? I told the guy I only had six bucks on me and less than that on the card but he insisted, so I told him I'd have to lower my hands because they were in my side pocket of cargo pants. He got impaitent and pressed the barrel of the gun against my chest and I stepped up with my left foot, being REALLY sure to turn my body, secured the gun with my right hand and plowed my left arm through his elbow. It was one of the most sickening noises I have ever heard. It seemed to bother him more than it bothered me because he let go of the gun and dropped fast. I was setting up to follow through with a take down, seeing as how I had control of the gun, but his own desire to get to the ground beat me and I ended up just stepping over him.
I quickly turned around and pointed the gun, still with the hammer down, at him and said, probably in a voice that was louder than called for, that he should stay put. Then I called the cops and did my best to remain calm while talking to the dispatcher, which isn't easy because they ask each question six times. When the cops finally did get there (they said the response time was 41 seconds but I swear it was closer to 7 months) I was the first one cuffed, of course.
Luckily, this all happened just outside the ATM booth which had a security camera inside. So we only had to wait about five hours for the bank manager to wake up and get the video and play it for the cops. But even with that video, it still took about 10 months of legal red tape to get all of that resolved. Self-defense is probably the hardest thing to prove.

I wouldn't think that too many techniques would work perfectly start to finish, unless you lucked out and everything worked just right. That would be a great moment.

I actually learned something from your story. Thanks!
Never a full techinque, more like bits and pieces from several. They aren't ment to be used in a street situation. If a punch is coming and your brain stops to think I need to use Gathering Clouds...you've already been hit.
Calming the storm, against a big right hook, base move dropped his arrogant mouth, the tough guy tone disappeared instantly. Must have been all the blood pouring out of his nose. Shouldn't mess with F'in old guys!
I liked the story of rolling your way out of a fall. Something similar happened to me a few years ago when I had my own school. It was winter and I had just finished vaccuuming my waiting room. I needed to bring the machine home with me so I was carrying it out the door by the handle when I slipped on a large patch of ice. I managed to slap out onto my back perfectly. I raised my right hand, which was holding the vaccuum, as high as I could. I always look back on that fall and think that I looked like the Statue of Liberty holding the vaccuum like that. I was able to walk away from that fall without any marks. And, I'm pretty sure that nobody saw it.
I have not used a self defense technique, but unfortunately I have used a shovel kick to a mans face and it is VERY effective. If executed properly it has the potential to render the opponent comatose and hospitalize them for at least a short period of time. I wish I had been thinking clearly when this happened.
I have not used a self defense technique, but I was unfortunate enough to test a shovel kick on a man's(if you can call him that) face. I am a sergeant in the Army and we have a reputation of yelling and being pretty much *******s. One day when I am being very calm with a soldier who is really pushing my buttons he dicides to personally insult me and actually challenged me. At the time he was doing pushups, and I really lost and began to see red. The next thing I know they are pulling me away from him and the ambulance got called, I am lead away in handcuffs, charged with assault and battery. The thing I am most ashamed about is not that I actually hit him, I think he deserved that, but that I did it out of rage to the point where I wasnt concious of my actions and did not restrain myself. Martial Arts is supposed to teach self discipline. I completely ignored that. One kick gave the man a concussion and put him out of work for a week, and possibly put me out of the Army for life. But at least I know that the shovel kick is effective!!!
I have not used a self defense technique, but I was unfortunate enough to test a shovel kick on a man's(if you can call him that) face. I am a sergeant in the Army and we have a reputation of yelling and being pretty much *******s. One day when I am being very calm with a soldier who is really pushing my buttons he dicides to personally insult me and actually challenged me.

OKW, I served in the Army as an 11B. I know exactly the kind of S*** Bag soldier you kicked in the face. He was undisciplined and got what he deserved IMHO. Better a boot to the face than a bullet to the head. It does not help matters any when the Army "softens their standards so more can make it through basic" B.S. No respect for an NCO. In my unit a private would be haunted by the "Spec4 Mafia". Drive on, earn your black belt and keep kicking.

The soldier you kicked in the face didn't act so tough after the fact did he?


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