Harvard Chief insults women--suggests genetic inferiority.

rmcrobertson said:
RP 700 or whatever:

Please start thinking about context. The post was written in response to a discussion of why it is (supposedly, anyway) that women think that their only option is to go find A Man.
Yes, I'm quite aware of that. The question I asked you seems within that context. Is there a point to this?

Also, please try to think through the propaganda you've heard in life a little better. These sorts of exaggerations are very common whenever anything resembling a "leftist," critique gets brought up--as we see, for example, in all the, "AHA! You hate God!!" posts that appear whenever anybody suggests that maybe state-enforced fundamentalist prayer is not a great idea.
I didn't attack you for being leftist, or jump to any conclusions. I even quoted your own numbered reasoning so you'd see what I was asking about. What I did was ask you to clarify what you meant. I thought "sounds like he means this, but just so I don't jump the gun, let me ask to make sure, cause I could be wrong." As for the propaganda comment, since all I did was ask you to clarify didnt make any presumptions about what you meant, I'll just have to take it as an insult to my intelligence.

The point is to offer people--not women, just people--as many choices as possible, and to equip them to make those decisions as freely as possible.

Nobody's putting down women who choose to stay at home and be moms. Some of us are putting down a system--patriarchy--that often makes women think, and feel, that they have no other choices. And some of us even deeply object to the recent tidal wave of rightist, fundamentalist propaganda that focuses not upon the family, but upon trying to stuff women back into a 1956 kitchen that never really existed in the first place.
Finally, a substantive response. I guess I just didnt see where you made this distinction between women who choose that role freely and women who do so because they think they have no other choice. "The voice", presumably, is one heard by all women in our society, so I figured that meant patriarchy was what drove ALL women who choose to stay at home. Still not positive on how you would decide this one, but at least I know you're making the distinction now.

As a side, thank you for responding to me this time.
Welll, THIS just gets worse.

By all means, DO get on the link that, "AC PILOT," gives, and scope out the attempt to describe women as slaves to their hormones. Then, DO get on the home page of this Jeff Rense character, from whose website the article is taken--a talk show host, who probably has ties to assorted new-Nazi groups.

Why would I say this? Could be the UFO calendars he's hawking. Or, more likely, could be the fact that this Rense character has links and info from the Institute For Historical Research (see the article titled, "Auschwitz 60 Years After"), which is neither historical nor researchy.

The IHR is the crowd of nutcakes (see David Irving) who are into, "historical revisionism," with regard to the Holocaust. You know...as in it never happened, the Jews exaggerate everything, there's no evidence the Nazis gassed anybody, anyway others were just as bad...

Tied with "AC Pilot's" earlier out-and-out anti-semitic bizarre readings of the Bible, and this is ugly, ugly, ugly.

I took more of a look at this Rense creep's website, and it turns out I was wrong. Things are far worse, and not because he's pushing naturopathic cures and discoveries of space aliens. Because his site has articles that say, among other things, that Zyklon B was merely an insecticide used by the thoughtful Nazis, and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion were real, rather than an anti-semitic hoax.

This is disgusting. "AC," you should be ashamed of yourself. If you're a, "martial artist," (and I use the quotes because you sure as hell aren't a martial artist in any meaningful sense, with the kids of ideas you espouse), you especially oughta be ashamed.

In brief, go away. I shall be looking through your posts for further evidence of this ugly, mean-spirited nonsense that you're trying to fob off, and I shall be posting every scummy little bit I can scrape out from under Hitler's toe-nails.

Shame on you, sir.
rmcrobertson said:
Welll, THIS just gets worse.

By all means, DO get on the link that, "AC PILOT," gives, and scope out the attempt to describe women as slaves to their hormones. Then, DO get on the home page of this Jeff Rense character, from whose website the article is taken--a talk show host, who probably has ties to assorted new-Nazi groups.

Why would I say this? Could be the UFO calendars he's hawking. Or, more likely, could be the fact that this Rense character has links and info from the Institute For Historical Research (see the article titled, "Auschwitz 60 Years After"), which is neither historical nor researchy.

The IHR is the crowd of nutcakes (see David Irving) who are into, "historical revisionism," with regard to the Holocaust. You know...as in it never happened, the Jews exaggerate everything, there's no evidence the Nazis gassed anybody, anyway others were just as bad...

Tied with "AC Pilot's" earlier out-and-out anti-semitic bizarre readings of the Bible, and this is ugly, ugly, ugly.

I took more of a look at this Rense creep's website, and it turns out I was wrong. Things are far worse, and not because he's pushing naturopathic cures and discoveries of space aliens. Because his site has articles that say, among other things, that Zyklon B was merely an insecticide used by the thoughtful Nazis, and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion were real, rather than an anti-semitic hoax.

This is disgusting. "AC," you should be ashamed of yourself. If you're a, "martial artist," (and I use the quotes because you sure as hell aren't a martial artist in any meaningful sense, with the kids of ideas you espouse), you especially oughta be ashamed.

In brief, go away. I shall be looking through your posts for further evidence of this ugly, mean-spirited nonsense that you're trying to fob off, and I shall be posting every scummy little bit I can scrape out from under Hitler's toe-nails.

Shame on you, sir.
Robert has a point here. AC Pilot's source has zero credibilty. I was gonna post links to some of the most disgusting stuff, but I don't wanna give that guy traffic. Then I was going to quote some of the worst, but I can't bring myself to repeat it. Suffice to say his site promotes Hitler, denounces Israel, denounces Zimbabwe & South Africa (saying that whites will be slaughtered by blacks liek Jews were by Hitler), backs Holocaust deniers, says AIDS was a weapon created by the US government, and oh yeah belives in aliens, psychics, and numerology. I'm not trying to lump all those things in together as if they are the same, but considering this stuff is the bulk of content on that guy's site... in context I don't think any of it can be taken seriously other than to realize the site owner is a wing-nut.
Oh good. It's not just me...I was beginning to think that I'd completely gone insane, and folks were too tactful to say so...then I reconsidered the idea of a) this likelihood of this crowd remaining tactful, b) the way that there's something glitched on MT, producing the delays and giving the effect of silence.

What's interesting, though, is the way that this guy illustrates the link between misogyny and anti-semitism. Paranoiac structures of knowledge--and, Freud suggests, all structures of knowledge have a paranoaic streak--as they get more and more extreme, reveal more and more of their core in homophilia and the attempt to recoil from homophilia into hyper-masculinity.

So, misogyny allows the threatened male subject to hide from his own attraction to other men and desire to retreat into early boy childhood.

You know...Nazism...weren't all those rallies just a little too butch? I mean, let's not get too far into the tight uniforms, leather, torches and love of carrying fancy daggers around...with the crowd of women reduced to breeder status as mommies standing around watching approvingly? Then, the only women you see really active in Nazism are Eva Braun (stay-at-home mom), Leni Riefenstahl (the film-maker as mommy, showing all the little boys how GOOD they're being), and types like Hanna what's-er'-name the pilot and Ilsa, She-Wolf Of the SS (mmmm..mommy in leather, whipping errant girls back into line)...

And then the passionate hatred of Jews, the feminine Other with which the Nazis and their heirs and assigns remain endlessly fascinated...the endless blame for modern capitalism, and what's more, ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY, aimed at...at...at...THEM.

I tell ya, if it ain't women, it's guys named Schwartz or some smartypants college professor or fellow-traveller pointing out that the ur-paranoid Schreber, in "Memoirs of My Nervous Illness," explained in some detail that his fantasies (like all such beliefs) rested on the desperate longing for God to **** him silly, so he could give birth to the New Race of ubermenschen.

Eeeew, ick. gack. But it's all so very simple. As Elwood Blues reminds us..."I hate Illinois Nazis." And look at the Illinois Nazis' last words...

Think of all the misery the world could've avoided if these guys would just go ahead and be happily gay...
rmcrobertson said:
Oh good. It's not just me...I was beginning to think that I'd completely gone insane, and folks were too tactful to say so...then I reconsidered the idea of a) this likelihood of this crowd remaining tactful, b) the way that there's something glitched on MT, producing the delays and giving the effect of silence.

No... I simply am spending too much time in the darkroom anymore to have come up with an appropriate missive for how completely wretched that rense.com anti-semitic garbage made me feel, particularly during the Auschwitz commemoration. Thanks for taking care of business.

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