Happy Bday Brother John



Happy birthday John H. !!! May you have a good one....I think hes like 62! ;)

Later man

Hope you have a GREAT B-Day John! Best Wishes to you! :cool: :D :) ;) :p :asian:
Who's gonna give you your birthday spankings? :eek:
Happy birthday and hope you've enjoyed a great day with friends and family.
Brother John

I'd like to say happy birthday and say I hope you have a lot more. I'm still trying to get everything together so that I can see ya soon.

Take Care!

Tad W.:asian:
didnt know if John seen the thread I dont think he was online this weekend
Thanks everyone!!
Yes I did have a great birthday! I taught a very fun class on Saturday morning, then spent the rest of the day with my favorite people: my wife and kids.

Brian: thanks for starting a thread for my B-day. That's thoughtful! I apreciate your friendship! ((You are right, since my computer is down at home I have to wait to get on at work))

Jill666: I don't usually kiss and tell. Lets just say I got my swats and that they were done with Rhythmic Timing ! ;)

Tad: Glad to know youre still around! Drop me an e-mail some time and I'll give you my new phone number. Soon my wife and I will be buying a new home :boing2: and there is an extra room in the basement that Melissa graciously condoned me usuing for a class-room. SO when you are able to drive down... I'll have a new room to beat you in. ((that was a joke))

Thanks everyone!
Your Brother