Happy 60th Birthday - Tom Kelly!


Feb 15, 2002
Reaction score
Scottsdale, Arizona
Tom Kelly one of Kenpo's most Senior Senior turned 60 years old on May 3rd. This Kenpo Giant helped pave the way for all of us. Originally a student and Black Belt of Steve LaBounty (who also turns 60 later this year) started in Fresno California as a young and tough Marine. The original instructor of Huk Planas as well.

Happy Birthday to a man who not only shoots straight but was there in the old Days!!

He can be reached at: [email protected]

If you have a chance drop him an email!

Somehow I missed this thread!!!!! I have miagrated in and out of Sibok Tom Kelly's Studio for a few years.......the one that looked like "beruit" after a drunk ran into it....the one on Harry that we had to hurdle all the construction because the mall owner was making "improvements". And now the Studio behind his home. I got soo mad at him sometimes and used to think he was a little too hard on people.
He said along time ago that he thought of Kenpo as a halfway house he said you could walk away from it for awhile but you will still will come back to the art when you need it.
I havent always agreed with him...but i dont think anybody ever agrees 100 percent, but he cares about the art, he is someone who could probably make alot of money off of his name and stature in the art but he doesnt....hes in it for the art.
Sibok....thanks for being hard on me...thanks for taking a stand. I hope to be at your 70th bday party as well.

Brian Hunter
Truely an awesome Martial Artist and Teacher. Great hearing from you last week. Don't worry ... ain't no Pink Belts around here. Thanks for everything - always. Hope to see you in the near future.

... then you might want one. We cannot start a trend or Sibok would kick my a#%. He wanted to make sure I stayed true to the Art, and did not give in to the commercial generic kenpo. No worries mate, we still like to thump down here.
