Greetings and Sil lim tao question

No, I've never even been to Australia. I started WC in 1994. I trace my WC lineage thru Chu Shong Tin and I know of some good teachers in that lineage In Aussie-land. I've experienced crappy instruction and phenomenal instruction in WC. There's the copycat version where you copy sifu with no understanding of why you do what you do. I did that for 5 years. Then there's the more bio mechanical approach. I dabbled with that for years. That can be very effective. And there's the soft internal approach that most people poo poo, unless they're on the receiving end of it. These are the methods I've been exposed too. Everyone chases their own flavor. I would give one piece of advice, stay away from copycat crap. If you can't ask sifu questions and get real answers, or if his answers are, 'that's how I was taught, I don't know what it's for', I would do yourself a favor and move on. You can waste years of training, getting nowhere. Of course opinions vary...just my 2 cents.
Wow since 1994, What got you into WC and what made u stay for so long?
Thanks for the advice, thankfully this school is not the copy cat style. We've been told many times in class if u dont know why u are doing it, u wont be using it. Our school has the soft approach its nice to know that its a level reachable but not in the near future unfortunately. So for now its sil lim tao everyday.............but not getting any small ideas yet my head is still empty :shifty:
Wow since 1994, What got you into WC and what made u stay for so long?
Thanks for the advice, thankfully this school is not the copy cat style. We've been told many times in class if u dont know why u are doing it, u wont be using it. Our school has the soft approach its nice to know that its a level reachable but not in the near future unfortunately. So for now its sil lim tao everyday.............but not getting any small ideas yet my head is still empty :shifty:
I was a Bruce Lee fan as a kid. Always wanted to learn his mother art. First teacher laid out this pile of puzzle pieces called Wing Chun. He couldn't/wouldn't show me how they went together. I started looking for a WC teacher who could. I was like a fish with the hook set deep. It's part of my life at this point.
Hey Sod,

Any empty head is not a bad place to be.
You do need to feel not think.

I would be going here if I was in Sydney city:
Martial Arts and Self Defence | International Wing Chun Academy
Pat, that school would be one of my choices too. Great comment you made above. Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon, quote 'Don't think...FEEL'. A teacher I am currently working with likes to point that one out, repeatedly. One of those profound gems in front of us the whole time.
I was a Bruce Lee fan as a kid. Always wanted to learn his mother art. First teacher laid out this pile of puzzle pieces called Wing Chun. He couldn't/wouldn't show me how they went together. I started looking for a WC teacher who could. I was like a fish with the hook set deep. It's part of my life at this point.
I remember someone told me that if you do the first form long enough soon all the puzzle pieces will start to connect and over time more complicated connections will happen and form.

Please tell me thats true o_O
I remember someone told me that if you do the first form long enough soon all the puzzle pieces will start to connect and over time more complicated connections will happen and form.

Please tell me thats true o_O
I was taught SLT 3-4 different ways by several different teachers over the years. I practiced that form repeatedly for many years. Nothing magical ever happened for me, or will ever happen just by practicing the form. However, If you are taught how to relax and how to 'feel' the form and you diligently practice the form, you will begin to experience interesting things in your body...things you will only feel when you do the form. Or at least that has been my experience.
I was taught SLT 3-4 different ways by several different teachers over the years. I practiced that form repeatedly for many years. Nothing magical ever happened for me, or will ever happen just by practicing the form. However, If you are taught how to relax and how to 'feel' the form and you diligently practice the form, you will begin to experience interesting things in your body...things you will only feel when you do the form. Or at least that has been my experience.
I see a long intresting journey ahead for me, its like a beginning of a life journey to discover how my body really works even though im using it everyday, such mystery yet its right right in front of my eyes.:D im excited!!
Pat, that school would be one of my choices too. Great comment you made above. Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon, quote 'Don't think...FEEL'. A teacher I am currently working with likes to point that one out, repeatedly. One of those profound gems in front of us the whole time.

Thank you for your kind comments Parky
I have never been a big fan of "if he does this - you do that", contact reflex and the non cognitive basic brain ability that enough chi sau gives you is my scene. You can't read somebodies mind but you can feel someone thinking through their arms if they are silly enough to do so.

Another quote I love although not June Fan "Your thoughts betray you" - Star Wars Episode VI :)
I see a long interesting journey ahead for me, its like a beginning of a life journey to discover how my body really works even though I'm using it everyday, such mystery yet its right right in front of my eyes.:D I'm excited!!

Don't be to concerned SOD, just practice, everything takes time. The more you try the harder things get sometimes with this stuff. Try less and you will relax and it may get easier, I know it sounds ridiculous.

If you ever head up this way let me know.
Don't be to concerned SOD, just practice, everything takes time. The more you try the harder things get sometimes with this stuff. Try less and you will relax and it may get easier, I know it sounds ridiculous.

If you ever head up this way let me know.
Will PM you Pat if i ever end up in Brisbane mate. WC is full of contradictory things like the more relax the better you become and harder you hit............ OMG cant i just tense and superman punch the guy :punch:...... maybe i should stick to Tekken or street fighter lol
Hi everyone, been stalking this forum for a good month or two and its been awesome, collectively everyone here so much knowleadge and different opinions as well. So i finally decided to join, but unfortunately i cannot contribute much (hence my hesitations to sign up) as I've only started about two months of WC.

I've been praticing sil lim tao on a daily basis, and notice sometimes i will get lower back pains (not major pain, but builds up). Im relatively healthy, just wondering is this one of those things that goes away like the calf/knee pain when you get better, or am i doing it wrong!?!?!?!
Any comment would be helpful, and thanks in advance.

Hello and welcome! I would be interested in seeing a video of you doing SLT from the side, so we can see what is going on with the pelvis.

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