Grandmaster Iron Kim

Originally posted by yilisifu
Yeah, but can he bend spoons with his flying side kick?



The secret to bending the spoon was revealed! A student would get into a deep horse stance while holding the spoon in one hand at arms length. Then a deep belly breath was taken and the student would chant upon exhale the following: RUBBER SPOON, RUBBER SPOON, RUBBER SPOON, etc. Imagine being on your eighth floor balcony and having a "Flying Side Kick" shoot past you toward the parking lot and hearing "RUBBER SPOON, RUBBER SPOON, RUBBER SPOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNN!" and then a thud followed by a car alarm. :) You know his lessons fee was paid in advance!

white belt
this begs the question,

when are you ever going to attack someone by jumping off a building? unless your fighting the jolly green giant, its pretty unlikley
Originally posted by birney29
this begs the question,

when are you ever going to attack someone by jumping off a building? unless your fighting the jolly green giant, its pretty unlikley

A car thief in the parking lot below would be a likely target! Come on! Get with the program!

white belt
Would jumping off an 11 storey building thinking you could land with no problem be considered "accidental suicide"?

Do you just hold the flying side kick position while you fall? I think my legs would get tired just haning there.
Jumping off is easy. The second lesson is jumping back up without ripping the crotch of your pants! (RUBBER SPOON, RUBBER SPOON, RUBBER SPOON.).

white belt
Originally posted by white belt
Jumping off is easy. The second lesson is jumping back up without ripping the crotch of your pants! (RUBBER SPOON, RUBBER SPOON, RUBBER SPOON.).

white belt


And for another thing, I don't think jumping off a building would do all that much to your opponent... unless they're blind, deaf, and thus can't see you coming the whole 11 stories down and therefore do not move out of the way long before you hit the ground.

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