Grandmaster Iron Kim


Green Belt
Sep 1, 2002
Reaction score
Wagoner, OK
Just surfing, I found an interesting? article about "grandmaster iron Kim" on

One of the many personal achievements Grandmaster "Iron" Kim has reached is the Kyong Gong Sul Bope (flying side kick). Pictured above is Grandmaster jumping from the top of a building. A corner of the roof is visible in the lower right corner of the picture.

In 1970, Grandmaster "Iron" Kim demonstrated Kyong Gong Sul Bope by jumping from the equivalent of an 11-story building. In 1972 Grandmaster "Iron" Kim again demonstrated the Kyong Gong Sul Bope movement by jumping from the equivalent of an 8-story building, landing without injury on a sloped surface below. Performing the Kyong Gong Sul Bope movement is a phenomenal feat, but more important is the tremendous internal power and strength that an individual must possess in order to perform Kyong Gong Sul Bope. Our research has shown that only a small number of people have reached a similar level of achievement. Grandmaster "Iron" Kim has maintained the miraculous mental and physical strength needed to execute this movement. Even at an older age, we have no doubt that Grandmaster "Iron" Kim is still capable of precisely demonstrating the Kyong Gong Sul Bope form. He is a living example of the benefits of achieving phenomenal Moo Doe strength.

Grandmaster "Iron" Kim has taught some instructors, with the position of National Instructor and higher, the beginning levels of Kyong Gong Sul Bope. They are now capable of jumping and landing from a 2 or 3 story building without injury.

What do you think. Is this actually for real??

just curious, :shrug:

I was a Chung Moonie for three years. Don't get sucked in. Some of the Martial Art taught was ok. A good part was "lacking". There are a LOT of mythical stories attributed to GM Kim. They even went as far as telling students that an Asian CMQ Instructor gave Bruce Lee the "Delayed Death Touch" for violating some teaching protocals. I $#*T you not. Any questions, fire away.

By the way, anyone can do "Flying Side Kick" off an 11 story building. Just land on the 10th story patio. I'm told it's real annoying when the CMQ students miss. The car alarms in the parking lot below go off. :)

white belt
Don't worry about that! I have heard plenty about CMQ, I had just never heard of this claim before. Though it was somewhat humorous. Especially the part about "Grandmaster "Iron" Kim has taught some instructors, with the position of National Instructor and higher, the beginning levels of Kyong Gong Sul Bope. They are now capable of jumping and landing from a 2 or 3 story building without injury." WOW...what a feat. Now what's it good for? I can't think of a whole lot of practical application.

Have fun, and no Kyong Gong Sul Bopping! :p

Originally posted by thesensei
Don't worry about that! I have heard plenty about CMQ, I had just never heard of this claim before. Though it was somewhat humorous. Especially the part about "Grandmaster "Iron" Kim has taught some instructors, with the position of National Instructor and higher, the beginning levels of Kyong Gong Sul Bope. They are now capable of jumping and landing from a 2 or 3 story building without injury." WOW...what a feat. Now what's it good for? I can't think of a whole lot of practical application.

Have fun, and no Kyong Gong Sul Bopping! :p


And to think I've wasted all those years using stairs and ladders :D

In order to attend the "Flying Side Kick" classes, you must pay the lessons fee, cash, up front. You are then taken to an undisclosed 11 story building. Haven't seen any first hand success stories posted(?). :)

white belt
Success stories...well, maybe I could become a success story and post a picture of myself performing this feat. I forgot to post the picture that was included, so I thought you may enjoy it.



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What about a picture of what he looked like after the landing...?

I live about an hour away from one of this guy's pseudo-schools... I need to get up there to check them out. I can train my self-control as I keep the giggles under wraps while I watch them train.

Originally posted by Yiliquan1
What about a picture of what he looked like after the landing...?

I live about an hour away from one of this guy's pseudo-schools... I need to get up there to check them out. I can train my self-control as I keep the giggles under wraps while I watch them train.


Don't forget to share your experience here!
Originally posted by Yiliquan1
I live about an hour away from one of this guy's pseudo-schools... I need to get up there to check them out. I can train my self-control as I keep the giggles under wraps while I watch them train.

The one on Aurora? I used to train near there, and I've seen a couple of their students in action. Some are actually pretty good, surprisingly enough. I know little to nothing about the system, but as far as kicking and punching, etc, the ones I saw weren't bad. They were mostly higher belts, though.
Well there was one on First Hill (Seattle) either on John or Madison. But that was several years ago.

There was one in Bellevue as well.

For whatever reason I never walked through their doors, gee I missed SUCH an opportunity. :rolleyes:


Perhaps I should consider Kyong Gong Sul Bope as a lifetime practice. I can achieve! I will become the greatest jump flying side kicker of all time! I will perform my feat off the Leaning Tower of this I gotta see... :rofl:

I trained for 3 years with them in Illinois around 20 years ago. The Bagua and Kong Su wasn't bad, but the Judo, Weapons, etc. were weak. The B.S. got worse as you went up in rank. I remember seeing a promotion test form that had a category of "INJURY WITH OUT TOUCH". I knew then some big chunks were coming down the pipe later and left ASAP. I studied legit TKD and Judo later. The CMQ Judo was terrible. If anyone reading this post wants to visit one of the the CMQ schools, take note of the students attitudes towards visitors and the control exhibited by the Instructor over the students. If you are feeling especially "frisky", ask about "FLYING SIDE KICK, INJURY W/O TOUCH AND the BONUS round question of how GM KIM DEVELOPS CAMERA FILM WITH THOUGHTS/IMAGES FROM HIS MIND. I $H*T you not! These Instructors really believe this poop!

white belt
(Deprogrammed and running loose!!)
Whhheeeeeee! :)
And so after several weeks of curiosity regarding your "prior MA cult " experience, I now have a little insight!
I knew you ITF guys had nothing to worry about- apparently white belt was just having flash backs. :D
Fissure is right. When the "Is The ITF Cultish" question came up on another thread, I thought that was pretty funny compared to the CMQ business. I don't think GM Choi was running around teaching people how to avoid elevators and develop camera film with his mind. A close knit group (ITF) is not a "cult". A group who teaches the students false martial history and tries to control their outside of school relationships is symptomatic of a "cult". The CMQers even advertise GM Kim as "Champion of all Asia". :)

white belt

(Would you like 5x7 or wallet size?) :)
For a master of all Asia, its amazing how many people havent heard of him. I took it for eight months in the early 80s. It was the first art I ever started in. It was truely a cult experience. The instructors realy had no concept of the outside world, it seemed like. Back then it was called Chung Moo Quan and has since changed names many times, at least here in Dallas Tx. By the time you make it to black belt you would be taking out loans and selling things for cash. It cost a fortune. How much you learned depended on how much you paid.
I will say that they seemed to have some good techniques. They had a palm thrust that they would do like a one inch punch. They called it a chung?. It would do more internal damage than anything they said. I was young and easily impressed though.
During the end of my stay with them I met a Jujitsu instructor who was trained under Captian Ben Mangels, who is a hell of a combat instructor in Close Quarter Combat and Jujitsu. Anyway when I told the CMQ guys that I was going to quit, they went nuts.They would call my house non-stop, trying to get me to come back and not quit. They even called my high school.
After they started coming to my school and then my house, I got a little nervous. I told my JuJitsu instructor about it, and he said he would talk to them and tell them to stop bothering me. They threatened him and said that I didnt wont to stop training with them and that he was forcing me to take JuJitsu.
Luckily he was and still is a police officer. The next day he and four other squad cars went to the Chung Moo Quan school and had a face to face talk with them. They didnt bother me anymore.
I'v heard of a lot of guys around my area who have gone through the same thing, and others who have spent thousands and thousands of dollars. I still have my gi around here some where.
They are a weird group, at least down here. I cant speak for other Chung Moo schools.

Your friend in the Combative Arts, Redfive
i can believe that someone with alot of training may beable to jump froma 1-2 storey buil;ding wothout injury but from an 11 story building they would nearly reach terminal velocity so basically he should be able to jump from a plane and survive :confused: 11 storeys is over 30 Metresits all bulshibby
Originally posted by redfive
For a master of all Asia, its amazing how many people havent heard of him. I took it for eight months in the early 80s. It was the first art I ever started in. It was truely a cult experience. The instructors realy had no concept of the outside world, it seemed like. Back then it was called Chung Moo Quan and has since changed names many times, at least here in Dallas Tx. By the time you make it to black belt you would be taking out loans and selling things for cash. It cost a fortune. How much you learned depended on how much you paid.
I will say that they seemed to have some good techniques. They had a palm thrust that they would do like a one inch punch. They called it a chung?. It would do more internal damage than anything they said. I was young and easily impressed though.
During the end of my stay with them I met a Jujitsu instructor who was trained under Captian Ben Mangels, who is a hell of a combat instructor in Close Quarter Combat and Jujitsu. Anyway when I told the CMQ guys that I was going to quit, they went nuts.They would call my house non-stop, trying to get me to come back and not quit. They even called my high school.
After they started coming to my school and then my house, I got a little nervous. I told my JuJitsu instructor about it, and he said he would talk to them and tell them to stop bothering me. They threatened him and said that I didnt wont to stop training with them and that he was forcing me to take JuJitsu.
Luckily he was and still is a police officer. The next day he and four other squad cars went to the Chung Moo Quan school and had a face to face talk with them. They didnt bother me anymore.
I'v heard of a lot of guys around my area who have gone through the same thing, and others who have spent thousands and thousands of dollars. I still have my gi around here some where.
They are a weird group, at least down here. I cant speak for other Chung Moo schools.

Your friend in the Combative Arts, Redfive


Interesting experience! You must have been a "prospect" for them to hound you like that. I saw some "discussions" with students who were stepping away. Very tense. When I left, I was told that I was making a big mistake, etc. and that my hope for a "correct" life was nil. They acted like I was some kind of traitor. They bugged me at home some and I refused to meet with them. They gave up. Pretty WACKY. I developed a wicked "Chung" for sure, but it's not worth the nonsense.

white belt