goofiest martial arts movies of all time



i would have to say anything with cynthia rothrock in it...
or that imitation knock off bruce li
I saw a movie it was They call me BRUCE. theres just no words to describe that one.You have to see it for yourself.
yeah ive seen that god aweful piece or crap... oh i also cant stand anything with richard norton in it... again cynthia freaking rothrock lol... also billy blanks movies are awefull too... and those horrible little kids martial arts movies like the 3 ninjas series
Starring Sho Kashugi or whatever the hell his name is. What a piece of cr@p. I wanted to find the producer and tell him I wanted that 81 minutes of my life back.
dont forget that other ninja crap... american ninja series... and ninja 3 the domination
I sense some real hatetred here do you guys pay for this crap, if you did then I understand. I'm laughing at you but I understand.

Dan Brady.:rofl:
yes thank god it was only rental fees and gas money spent going there... argh...
Do you think if they had bigger budgets some of these movies might have turned out better or were they just doomed at birth.
In terms of goofy MA movies that were supposed to be goofy:

The "They Call Me Bruce" movies.

"Kung Pow".

Any MA flick with Seagal or Van Damme looks like a school play, with some mediocre martial arts displayed and horrid acting.

i dont think a billion dollar budget and the combination of george lucas and steven spielberg could help these movies...
Originally posted by TLH3rdDan
dont forget that other ninja crap... american ninja series... and ninja 3 the domination

I actually liked the first two AN movies despite them being B movies. Ninja 3 was sort of lame. The only thing that made the movie was Lucinda Dicky, the lady who played the possesed ninja bimbo, who was definitely hot
Originally posted by Kenpo Wolf
I actually liked the first two AN movies despite them being B movies. Ninja 3 was sort of lame. The only thing that made the movie was Lucinda Dicky, the lady who played the possesed ninja bimbo, who was definitely hot

Hot chix, sell tix...
Originally posted by GouRonin
Starring Sho Kashugi or whatever the hell his name is. What a piece of cr@p. I wanted to find the producer and tell him I wanted that 81 minutes of my life back.

I have to agree that movie was absolutely horrible.:barf:
Kung Pow was so bad. The previews made it look so funny bu it was terriable. Even for the guys who like 70's kung u movies it was bad.
Cain, what part or parts didn't you like. I personly liked the story but hated the Ralph.M. who played Danielson. He was really hard to watch.
I really hated the martial arts chereography [bad spells alert :( ] time I will wash my car, whitewash my fence, perform a jumping side snap kick and be off to the streets to fight :D

Yes but would you be returing from them, if you do don't forfget to sand the deck.. Make a lefta circle then a righta circle,lefta circle, righta circle. I hope he got used to being on his knees, in the real world thats where he'd end up.
Ok here's one. Now I like Sonny Chiba, but the movie "Shogun's Ninja" was just rediculous. It starts off pretty good, but later on it seems to turn into a song and dance show. About halfway into the movie, after some of his friends are killed, the main character starts doing some inspirational dance around a fire to 70's jazz music! It was a bad "Flashdance" or something you would see on Broadway. :rolleyes:

There is a bunch of other stuff that makes it bad and probably could have been overlooked, but that dance thing sent it over the top.

Take care :D