Goodmorning Martialtalk

Welcome to MT! Its great to have someone with an ecletic style. I'm sure you'll bring a great perspective.
Stab punch welcome. Happy posting. I am interested in learning more about what you practice.
Thanks for the welcome guys. Hakarac is a style of martial boxing.

We train for the street :) Eh i know, we sound really tough.

It's more that we take an approach of - if it will work for our students in a self defense situation, it is a good technique. Each person has different abilities and attributes so rather than finding a school and instructor that suits them or trying to jam into a shoe that doesn't fit we are encouraged to do what works for us. We have gradings and a sylabus, the higher the level the higher the level of aggression we train to deal against.

I guess the best thing i can say is that our instructor doesn't jive us about what will and won't work for us. He also lets us try it and see. Sure dojo pressure is less, however, when two 90kg boxers want to land good shots on you, you kinda get an understanding of what is possible in terms of your abilities.

Mindset dojo is probably just another name for martial arts forum :)
Sounds intense, yet practical. I look forward to hearing more about you.

Welcome aboard!

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