Originally posted by yilisifu
I've run into the exact same problem with both Japanese and Chinese. I'd have paid good money to watch you dump the Wado-ryu high muckey-muck on his duff....![]()
He was small potatoes.
I wish I had a photo of the expression on his face when he got up though.
His face just showed a total loss for wordsÂ…Â…Â…Â…but looked as if he might have been saying to himself "Oh God, I have really "F-ed" up this time".
I was actually nice to him and apologized for dumping him on his *** and asked if he was OK several times through out the day.
Originally posted by yilisifu
Sadly, many Americans have bought into this same idea; that only the Chinese or Japanese or Okinawans REALLY know a given martial art.....that's poppycock.
I have met some Japanese and Okinawan Karateka that are supposed to be “da bomb” by some westerners accounts but what I saw of them they were just really sloppy.
One man's garbage is another man's steak I guess.
Originally posted by yilisifu
I'll probably get flamed for saying this, but it's a fact. I've been there and seen it (as you have)......
I get flamed for the same thing. And it is always by the people that have never been there or done it but seem to think they know better for some odd reason.