Gemini Avatar


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
Good TKD'ers Gemini are dear friend in battle need a new aviator, he got to much slack fron everybody about his last one please help by providing different one for him to choose.
Thank You All

I like his avatar! I happen to think it is pretty cool and a good memento of how he did. But if he wants to get rid of it... :wah:

- Ceicei
terryl965 said:
Good TKD'ers Gemini are dear friend in battle need a new aviator, he got to much slack fron everybody about his last one please help by providing different one for him to choose.
Thank You All


Thank you, Ceicei. At least SOMEONE liked it!...unlike some other people, not to mention any names ahem!kreth!ahem!...:p
Ceicei said:

I like his avatar! I happen to think it is pretty cool and a good memento of how he did. But if he wants to get rid of it... :wah:

- Ceicei
I liked it too.. it was nice and not pretentious.. (like some).. oooh.. controversial Jenna!

Hey Don .. is this like a competition? Are there big stakes prizes? ahh what are prizes to me.. I will get you an avatar for two pieces of chocolate!! :D

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
I saw the thread title and was trying to figure out why Gemini needed a pilot... :p
Jenna said:
I liked it too.. it was nice and not pretentious.. (like some).. oooh.. controversial Jenna!

Hey Don .. is this like a competition? Are there big stakes prizes? ahh what are prizes to me.. I will get you an avatar for two pieces of chocolate!! :D

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,

Well, thank you! A competition? Why not? I'm game.

I s'pose I could give you two pieces of chocolate, but given your proximity to the real deal in Switzerland, I doubt you'd feel real rewarded when you recieved my two Hershey bars. :rofl:

I got something better in mind. One size fits all, and something everyone (I hope) wants. :)

No. Not my head on a platter....
Converstation is great but we need pics to choose from so lets start to devote them to the cause. Remember Kreth is our Savior here on MT and when he says he don't like it we change it.:whip: .
Understand you lonely tidbits of life.:rolleyes: :CTF:
Sure, make me the bad guy. I even offered him a possible replacement pic... :p
Kreth said:
Sure, make me the bad guy. I even offered him a possible replacement pic... :p

Uh..yea..THAT was tempting...:shrug:

I still got the bandaids on my eyeballs...
How about a Photoshop of Gemini knife-handing Kreth's eyeball? :boing1:
I'd offer you one, but people seem to shun my choices for some odd reason...
Grenadier said:
I'd offer you one, but people seem to shun my choices for some odd reason...

Personally, it's always been one of my favorites. If you ever leave the board, I got dibs...

Shesulsa. Spllaatt! Okay, that's just wrong. ewww. :lol2:
And no, the Bob in the first image is not our Bob!