Fun with Crime rate stats...


Apr 17, 2002
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At an OP in view of your house...
I was fishing around for crime rate info and I found this site. You can compare your town with the nation and other towns.

Look where Detroit ranks compared to NYC and the nation!?!? I new we were bad given from indication of violent encounters I and friends have been in, and given that this IS NOT the norm for the rest of the civilized world, but what the hell...

We are simply out of control I guess! :uhohh:

Well, check your town out and see where they think you compare to other towns or the nation. It is sort of a fun thing to look through. :)
And Oh my goodness. Pontiac MI isn't too bad on Murder, but it looks like Pontiac is like the rape capital of the planet...

lol... no wonder why businesses are bailing out of our state. Our new slogan should be, "Come to Michigan... we'll rape you in Pontiac, and kill you in Flint or Detroit!"

Man, we are in one sorry state of affairs here...
So, just for fun I compared Pontiac Michigan with Grand Forks North Dakota, since that is the closest American city to me.

Murder, Rape, Assault and Burglary are way lower but THEFT! Holy Crap, don't leave anything laying around in Grand Forks!
I think what this mostly shows is the pointlessness of using rates per 100,000 as any sort of meaningful benchmark. Take a look at the actual reported crimes below and you see that New York blows Detroit away in every category. It's just that New York has beelyuns and beelyuns of people, so it has a smaller percentage of criminals. But most people are not criminals, so this makes sense.

To take it to its absurd limit, compare New York with Olathe KS. We only have about 100,000 people, and as a result we look like a bunch of raping and pillaging Vikings despite the reality of 45 actual rapes vs. 1412 in NY.
Hey, well at least Gary Indiana has us beat...not my very much, but by a little anyway! :)

In Murder yes, and even there the number of ten different is not that great an issue. But both have between 100,000 and 120,000 population so comparison for size would be good. Also both are industry towns so environement woudl be comparable as well.

So the aggravated assaul for Gary of 284 and Flint 1989. This is just over 7 times greater. It makes a person wonder why that many increased assaults.
I think what this mostly shows is the pointlessness of using rates per 100,000 as any sort of meaningful benchmark. Take a look at the actual reported crimes below and you see that New York blows Detroit away in every category. It's just that New York has beelyuns and beelyuns of people, so it has a smaller percentage of criminals. But most people are not criminals, so this makes sense.

The FBI stats have always done it per 100,000.

They have to do it that way to figure out the actual crime RATE. just because NYC has more crime reports, that doesn't mean that the crime rate is higher. A rate is a ratio; in this case victims vs. population. This is the way you figure out the frequency of crime per person, and the probability that one will be mixed up in a crime if in that area. This ratio is how you determine "% chance" that you will be murdered, assaulted, or whatever based on the population and the crime rate of the area.

So, they sort of have to do it that way. It ends up being the most accurate way to determine these things, anyway.
Well, Chicago, with just under 3 million population has more than double the murder rate of New York with just over 8 million. (NY was like 6 for ever 100,000 Chicago was 16 per 100,000)

Good to know that Mafia Man Daley and hes Lacky Blah-gojevich's "If we make guns illegal crime will go away" policies are working.
Hey, Paul - whenever my chiropracter wants my hands up by my head, he always says, "Detroit position" ... heh heh heh.
Well Vancouver, WA has not just Detroit but the nation beat on rape and larceny theft.

*Mr. Rogers voice* Can you say "meth" children? Sure. I knew you could. Now hand over your cel phone!
Hmm ... now, in neighboring Portland, rape runs second to Detroit, yet larceny theft still has Detroit beat.

Seems larceny and rape are the predominant problems in our area according to the FBI statistics on that site.

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