Fun, Fun, Fun

As far as I know, since I haven't done it since I was a kid... sliding is basically toboggoning... usually with household instruments that one can slide down a hill on... tires work well. :p

Yeah, when I said I was going sliding it's the same as toboggoning. We, or at least I, tend to think of a toboggon only as the wooden sled with the curve at the front. A slide is a more general term. There are lots of different styles but the idea is you go down a hill really, really fast (usually sitting or lying down but not always :D) and if you do a layout or something at the bottom it doesn't really matter because snow can work as a great crash mat. (providing it hasn't already been packed down so hard it's like ice) :rolleyes:
We used metal saucers (aluminum I think) to slide. I grew up in a project where there were buildings on hills by the airport, and we'd stop ourselves with our feet against the buildings at the bottom. Nobody ever broke anything.

Of course in the 70's we didn't have playdates and daycare- we went outside after school and went in when the streetlights came on. We KNEW how to have a good time, screw Playatation.

In the summer we tried to get onto the runways at the airport, only got in once though.

*sigh* Nostalgia.

Snow coming again- about time it's been sunny for two days in a row.
Originally posted by Jill666

In the summer we tried to get onto the runways at the airport, only got in once though.

I grew up on U.S. air bases. We didn't try getting onto the runways because we didn't want to get shot. :)

Gee here it is another winter.. so figured I would revive this thread and you can look back and compare :D

We had our first winter snow last weekend.. it was a doozy and now it's rained for 2 days straight.. the snow is gone but it's still icky outside.. Dec 11, 2003