Fun, Fun, Fun


Quick Sand

Those of you that don't get snow don't know what you're missing. It's a gorgious sunny day about 27 degrees F and I'm about to go sliding with my neice and my nephew. :cool:

and yes, I'm 21 and very excited to get to go sliding. I can't remember the last time I went. :p

Have a nice day everyone. :)
What's sliding? Is it like snowboarding or is it more like tobogganing?

BTW, it's closer to 27 degress Celcius here, a beautiful sunny day and I might go swimming this afternoon. Those of you who don't live near the surf don't know what you're missing. :p
Originally posted by Kiz Bell
What's sliding? Is it like snowboarding or is it more like tobogganing?

BTW, it's closer to 27 degress Celcius here, a beautiful sunny day and I might go swimming this afternoon. Those of you who don't live near the surf don't know what you're missing. :p

I hear ya, and apologies to Quick but I think I'll stick with Southern Cali and our usually pleasant winter weather rather than trade it in for the, brrr, snow...:cool:
*wants to move to cali* I'm stuck in NY state. It snows on a regular basis. I haven't seen the ground (covered by snow) for weeks! Ggggrrrrrrr I'm not a winter person :mad:
Pffft....try it for 8 month out of the year, it gets old really fast! ;)
Just an F.Y.I. it is 11 degrees farenhieth (sp?) today that's -11 Celsius. And that doesn't count Wind Chill factors.

In other words BRRRRR!!!!! :anic:
Considering I live in the same town (at least during the school term) as Quicksand, I'd have to standin support of the snow... gotta love it. Nothing quite like seeing the world wrapped in white. It's gorgeous.

Not to mention, snowball fights can replace MA training.

(Just Kidding)

we had a bit of ice and snow mix last night. coming home from my history class, I was coming toward a four-way stop and ever so gently applied my brakes and my Honda and I did a 180. ;) I was nearing the homestretch driving down the road that leads to my house...wait let me rephrase..I didn't drive down the road...I slid down the road, there was no driving involved. after that road, next comes this nice steep hill, so I put it in second and crept up the hill like a damn snail. I like snow as much as the next guy or gal, but ice pisses me off...:shrug:
We've had it ice up, thaw, ice up, thaw until we got a layer if 4" thick ice covering the driveway (A gravel driveway may have seemed like a good idea to someone, but really, it's not) '

Finally my husand got so sick of sliding around he took a sledgehammer to the driveway! Hey, all I can say is it worked. I can see gravel again.:tank:
Originally posted by Chronuss
we had a bit of ice and snow mix last night. coming home from my history class, I was coming toward a four-way stop and ever so gently applied my brakes and my Honda and I did a 180. ;) I was nearing the homestretch driving down the road that leads to my house...wait let me rephrase..I didn't drive down the road...I slid down the road, there was no driving involved. after that road, next comes this nice steep hill, so I put it in second and crept up the hill like a damn snail. I like snow as much as the next guy or gal, but ice pisses me off...:shrug:

I had a similar experience some years back. I ended up doing a friggin' 360 when I hit a patch of ice on a highway in the midwest. :erg:

Luckily I survived it, there were no other cars next to me, but, it just about scared the crap out of me.:anic:

This is why I'll stick to Southern Cal and our occassional rain showers. I can do without sheets of ice on the road... ;)
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
This is why I'll stick to Southern Cal and our occassional rain showers. I can do without sheets of ice on the road... ;)

...hmm...I think I'll take the ice over the smog. :rofl:
Speaking of ice ....... I got stuck in my own driveway yesterday! :mad:

My driveway is a "slope." Went to back up, and my car slid down the driveway, turned sideways, and hit a snowbank, and I couldn't get out (drive out) because of the ice. I was late for work. I had to call my boss to come pull me out (he also works for the county and had a truck). I was sooooooo embarressed :rolleyes: :mad:

I f***ing hate winter :mad: ggggrrrrrrrrrr
Originally posted by karatekid1975

I f***ing hate winter :mad: ggggrrrrrrrrrr

Winter? What is this 'winter' of which you speak?

yucking it up in Florida :p
No-one's answered my question. Is sliding like snowboarding, like skiing, or like toboggoning? How do you slide? I really wanna know.
I haven't seen snow since '86, so I've got no clue.

I used to do something we called 'turfing'. We took the fin off an old surfboard and road it down grassy highway embankments. We'd get the strangest looks from people driving by on the highway.

No idea why.

Originally posted by Cthulhu
I haven't seen snow since '86, so I've got no clue.

I used to do something we called 'turfing'. We took the fin off an old surfboard and road it down grassy highway embankments. We'd get the strangest looks from people driving by on the highway.

No idea why.



Sounds like grass surfing. We never did it with surfboards (sounds like a great idea though!), instead we used flattened out cardboard boxes and rode them down long, steep grassy hills. Heaps of fun.
Hills would have been nice. However, since south Florida is either at or below sea level, hills are nonexistent. So, we relied on the embankments on either end of a highway overpass. Not exactly the safest place to play, mind you...

Cthulhu wrote:

Winter? What is this 'winter' of which you speak?

yucking it up in Florida :p

:mad: :p I think I will move there or Cali. :D